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[Pork and Cabbage reeking from]

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Pork and cabbage reeking from the pot, is not a poor dish for satisfying an appetite. It may be disgusting to the palate accustomed to woodcock and wine. Even those who are not familiar with luxuries, look upon these substantial articles with disgust, because they are considered vulgar, and only fit for common people who labor. Taste is everything in feeding and dressing. Eat what you will it only goes to make blood, and thus supports the frame on which you hang hoops and garments. It is plain enough that those who feed on the usual articles of diet, are generally the most good natured and best satisfied with the world. Mean people eat cheap stuff, and but little at that. When you see a face always snarled up or soured, be sure that its opening is never filled exactly to its notion. The pleasant countenance is indicative of a palate easily supplied with whatever offers. So don't complain more about pork and cabbage, and go hungry until something better offers. An empty stomach is a poor companion to carry about with you. What, not eat bread when the cakes are gone! Pooh! pooh!!

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