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The game played yesterday afternoon between the Atlantic and Putnam Clubs, on the grounds of the latter Club, was one of the finest and most exciting games we ever witnessed. The Atlantics beat their opponents by 4 runs, but the general opinion was that the defeat was as much the result of accident, as of superior playing. On the fourth innings the Putnams made several very loose plays, and allowed their opponents to score 9 runs, and those careless plays were sufficient to lose them the game. On every other innings, they played carefully and well, as the score will show. They were also particularly unfortunate in having three of their men injured in the course of the game. Mr. Masten, their catcher, being disabled from occupying his position on the fifth innings, was compelled to take the first base, and his place taken by Mr. Burr, who in his turn was disabled on the seventh innings and his place supplied by Mr. McKinstry the fielder, Mr. Burr taking the third base. Mr. Jackson was injured on the eighth inning so much as to be compelled to discontinue playing, and Mr. Ketcham was substituted in his stead, so that at one time, no less than three men on the Putnam side were so seriously injured as to be unable to run their bases. Notwithstanding these accidents, however, the score is highly creditable to the Putnams, (always excepting the fourth innings) and we doubt if any other club can show a better one in a contest with such opponents. The Atlantics, as usual, played splendidly, and maintained their reputation as the Champion Club. Messrs. M. O’Brien, P. O’Brien, Boerum, Pierce and Oliver of that club cannot easily be surpassed in their respective positions. Messrs. Masten, Gesner and McKinstry of the Putnam Club, also deserve special commendation.

The score is as follows:

Price, 1st base 3 3 Burr, field 2 2
M. O’Brien, ptchr. 4 2 Meserole, field 4 2
Boerum, Catch. 3 2 Dakin, ptchr. 5 0
Mann, 3d base 3 2 Kelly, 1st base 5 0
P. O’Brien, field 2 2 Gillespie, 3d base 2 2
Pierce, short 4 0 Gesner, 2d base 2 2
Oliver, 2d base 4 2 Master, catcher 3 1
Hamilton, field 1 3 Jackson, field 2 2
Ireland, field 3 1 McKinstry, short 2 2
17 13
RUNS EACH INNINGS. Atlantics—1st, 1; 2d, 1; 3d, 1; 4th, 9; 5th, 2; 6th, 1; 7th, 1; 8th, 0; 9th, 1—17. Putnams—1st, 0; 2d, 0; 3d, 2; 4th, 0; 5th, 1; 6th, 2; 7th, 6; 8th, 2; 9th, 0—13. UMPIRE—Thos. G. Van Cott, of Gotham Club. SCORERS—Samuel Godwin, for Putnam Club; Caleb Sniffen, for Atlantic Club.
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