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Literary Intelligence

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It is reported that T.B. Aldrich,1 author of “Babie Bell,” a plagiarism from Gerald Massey’s “Ballad of Babe Christabel,” is engaged upon another infantine effusion, to be called “The Blessed Bogus Baby,” and founded upon recent well-known events. Probably Harper’s Weekly will secure the prize. Readers of the puling, Tennyson—and water, school will doubtless take notice.


1. Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836–1907) was associated with Henry Clapp's Saturday Press from 1858 until its final number in 1860; see Ferris Greenslet, The Life of Thomas Bailey Aldrich (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, Co., 1908), 37–49. Aldrich also served as editor of the Atlantic Monthly. from 1881 to 1890. For Aldrich's opinion of Whitman's poetry, see Greenslet, 138–139. [back]

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