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A Female Preacher in Williamsburg

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Some little controversy is going on in the papers of the Universalist denomination, in regard to the theological lawfulness of female preaching. A part of the denomination, supported by the Christian Ambassador, one of the organs of the body, have ordained, or rather fellowshipped as a minister, a Mrs. Lydia A. Jenkins1, who is described as possessing considerable pulpit qualifications; but the Trumpet, another organ of the denomination, dissents from this action, not believing that Christianity recognises women as apostles, or as pastors of religious societies. Meanwhile the lady in question continues to preach, and has accepted an engagement to fill the pulpit of the Universalist Church in this district, on the corner of Fourth and South 3rd streets, every Sunday morning and evening in September. No doubt the novelty of female pulpit oratory here will enable her to draw crowded houses.


1. Lydia Ann Moulton Jenkins (1824/25–1874) was a Universalist advocate and part of a traveling ministry team in the 1850s. [back]

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