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[London is healthier than New York]

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☞London is healthier than New York. The mortality in London is only one in forty one, whereas in New York it is one in thirty four. Yet London is five times as large as New York, with only one-third more park room. "Central Park," containing seven hundred and seventy-six acres, is just double the size of Hyde Park, the boast of England. Leaving out Hyde Park, the Central Park is larger than any other two parks in London. The Croton water is the purest supplied to any large city in the world.1 Yet, with the purest airage and the finest water, more persons die every year in New York than in any other large city on the surface of the globe, whose statistics are known. What is the cause? It is found in our dwellings. Too many people live in the same house. Too many sleep in small, dismal, ill-ventilated rooms, attics, cellars, and the middle one of the three rooms deep. And London streets are kept clean, both from mud and heaps of garbage and other putrifying matter. Nothing but the grossest negligence on the part of its officials could reduce New York to such a sanatory condition as would augment her rates of mortality above those of London, which has not a tithe of the natural advantages of New York, in a sanatory point of view.


1. The Croton Aqueduct was constructed between 1837 and 1842, and it carried water 41 miles from the Croton River to reservoirs in Manhattan. [back]

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