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Harper’s Weekly

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HARPER’S WEEKLY is profuse with rare illustrations and instructive and entertaining reading matter. Each issue shows the falsity of the old cry, that we could not in America produce a pictorial and literary weekly. Many attempted it, and failed. The Harpers embraced success with their first number. They have made arrangements with Mr. Thackeray,2 at an expense of $2000, for advance sheets of his long-expected story “The Virginians.” The publication will be commenced in the Magazine for December, and will attract the attention of all classes of readers.


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2. William Thackeray (1811–1863) was an English satirical author and illustrator. Whitman summarized his assessment of Thackery when asked by Horace Traubel late in life as follows: "I have read Vanity Fair and liked it: it seemed to me a considerable story of its kind—to have its own peculiar value. But Thackeray as a whole did not cast his sinker very deep though he's none the worse for that" (With Walt Whitman in Camden, Monday, October 29, 1888). [back]

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