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This Board met yesterday afternoon, present Ald. Kalbfleisch,1 presiding, and Aldermen Whitney2 and Franks. After reading the minutes, a number of vacant lots on Division avenue and Herkimer street, belonging to the estate of E. G. Moore, were reported as nuisances, being filled with stagnant water. A number of lots similarly situated in other parts of the city were also reported and referred to the Health Wardens.

The Health Officer reported sixty cases of nuisances which had been brought to his attention during the week. All had been attended to.

The bone-boiling establishment in the Ninth Ward were again complained of, as causing an intolerable stench, and a resolution was adopted directing the proprietors to cease operations during the months of August and September, under penalty of prosecution.

The Board then adjourned till next Wedneday.


1. Martin Kalbfleisch (1804–1873) was a Brooklyn alderman from 1855–1861, and in May 1858 was elected president of the Brooklyn Common Council. He then served twice as mayor of Brooklyn: from 1862–1864 and again from 1867–1871. In 1863, he was elected as a Democrat to the U.S. House of Representatives. [back]

2. Daniel D. Whitney (1819–1914) was an alderman of Brooklyn over six terms before he became the mayor of the city in 1885. [back]

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