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The grand match between the Long Island and New York Clubs will be played on Tuesday next, commencing at 2 o’clock, P.M., on the National Course at West Flushing. There will probably be a very large attendance, as a great amount of interest is felt among ball players in the result. The Committee having the matter in charge having made the most ample preparations for the accommodation of spectators as well as the convenience of the players. No liquor will be allowed to be sold on the premises, and a strong police force has been selected from the several Clubs represented to preserve order and suppress all improprieties. Especial care has been taken to provide seats for Ladies, the most eligible portion of the Grand Stand having been set apart exclusively for the use of those gentlemen who are accompanied by ladies. The ride out to the Course is very pleasant, the game is a manly and healthful sport, deserving every encouragement, and it is hoped that the efforts of the parties who are doing so much for its advancement, will meet with the approval of the fair sex, who although they may not participate in the excitement of the occasion, cannot fail to be pleased with the display of strength and agility which will be brought out. For those who prefer to take a public conveyance to the grounds, the Flushing Railroad boat will leave Fulton Market Slip at 1 o’clock, and returning will leave West Flushing at 6 o’clock, or at the conclusion of the game. The players on the Long Island side have been selected as follows: from the Atlantic Club 3, Putnam 2, Eckford 2, and Excelsior 2. On the New York side, Knickerbocker Club 2, Gotham 2, Eagle 2, Empire 2, and Union 1. We advise all who take an interest in out-door sports and manly exercise to be present, and witness the game on Monday next. The small sum of ten cents will be charged for admission, the proceeds to be applied to the payment of the expenses of the ground &c., the surplus, if any, to go to the Fire Department Funds of the Cities of New York and Brooklyn.

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