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The Yellow Fever At Quarantine

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Considerable anxiety has been awakened by the arrival at Quarantine, within the last two or three days, of several vessels from Cuban ports with cases of yellow fever on board in its must virulent form. Two of these—the American ship Grotto, of Bath, bound to Scotland, and the British ship Suzanne, bound to Liverpool—were obliged to make this port on account of having lost portions of their crews.

The survivors of the crews and passengers were landed and both vessels sent below.

The ship Greenland also arrived yesterday from Havana, the former Captain (Bates of Augusta, Me) having lost his wife and only son by yellow fever. Captain Varnum, formerly first mate of the bark Ocean Home, brought the ship to New York, and was yesterday landed at Quarantine, very sick. Mr. Varnum is a resident of Brooklyn.

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