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The Monroe Obsequies

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Yesterday Virginia did tardy justice to one of her most illustrious sons. The procession and ceremonies are noticed by some of the New York papers with a great flourish of trumpets, but we cannot avoid thinking that the affair fell far short of a proper memorial to the virtues of one “in the presence of whose relics, GAP to use the language of a contemporary, “we should stand uncovered and respectful.” The pageant was a very meagre one, falling short of what was expected. Comparatively few of our citizen soldiery were out. If the occasion had been an ovation to James Buchanan instead of a demonstration of respect for departed worth, there would have been an immense turn-out. As it was, however, the demonstrations was little else than a failure.

In the procession we noticed, GAP Duryea and Col. Abel Smith of this city; also Mr. William M. Harris, of the Board of Education, and Alonso H. Gale, Esq.

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