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Pic-nics and Excursions

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We have overhauled Webster in order to find out what he has to say on the interesting subject of pic-nics, and the following is the result: “Originally an entertainment at which each person contributed some article for the general table. The term us now applied to an entertainment carried with them by a party on an excursion of pleasure into the country and also to the party itself.”

Now what a dry, pragmatical description this is of one of the most delightful institutions of which we have any knowledge! A pic-nic! How suggestive of an enjoyable time is the very word! The start in the dewy morn, with baskets laden with provender, and hearts light with anticipation of pleasure, the encampment in the shade with all its merry surroundings and concomitants, the feasting and imbibing, seasoned with the gout that arises from exhilarating exercise, the “side arrangement” in the shape of flirtations that will arise when young people of opposite sexes get together, all these essentials and concomitants suffice to make a genuine, old-fashioned picnic one of the most delightful of mortal things.

In another direction are the Strawberry festivals and Sabbath Schools excursions, of which we have such a number at this season of the year. These affairs are not gotten up for enjoyment merely, but some profit is expected to be realized from them to benefit some deserving church whose funds are running low, or to help along some benevolent scheme for the alleviation of human ills, spiritual and temporal. These have generally some worthy object in view, and we are glad to know that, speaking generally, they are well supported by the community.

This is eminently the season for such excursions, and by reference to our paper for the last few days our readers will perceive that it has not been suffered to pass unimproved. Strawberry festivals, sunday-school excursions, May-Queen festivals and the like have been the order of the day, not to mention private arrangements of the kind, whose name is legion. Young people will enjoy themselves in any state of the mercurial indicator. A blessed thing is youth and while it lasts “life is gay.” We wish the excursionists a good time.

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