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Blackwood for May

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The first article in this number is a continuation of the interesting series entitled “Food and Drink,” which has already attracted a good deal of attention for the bold way in which it deals with many of the hitherto received notions of health, physiology, &c. According to this writer, much that the “reformers” say is nonsense, especially all extremes of temperance and vegetarianism.

The other articles of the number are devoted to India, Italy, “Colleges and Celibacy,” “Antiquities of Kertch,” &c.


1. Blackwood's Magazine, or Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, was a monthly magazine created by William Blackwood in 1817. Though it was published in Scotland it quickly attracted a wide readership in Great Britain and the U.S., especially for its fiction offerings. For more information, see David Finkelstein, The House of Blackwood: Author-Publisher Relations in the Victorian Age? (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002). [back]

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