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A German Holiday

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To-day, Whit-Monday, is quite a festival among our German fellow-citizens. Of a religious origin, from an event in the life of Christ and the Apostles, it has come to be made use of, at present, for purposes of social pleasure, excursions and entertainment. In all parts of Germany it is kept as a great day; whole cities, men and women, old and young, vacate the houses and streets, and turn out into the fields, the gardens, and the suburban saloons.

Here, too, the custom is pretty well commemorated. Numerous family parties are out—and there are some large pic-nics, and other convivial gatherings. The Turners are also on hand—and we notice several military companies.

As we write this, (in the middle of the forenoon) the day looks lowering and rainy. But the Germans are of jovial temperament, and if they are driven from the outdoor pleasures they like best, no doubt they will make it up within doors.

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