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[Among the Supervisors elect of]

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☞Among the Supervisors elect of Westchester Co., we notice the name of our friend William Cauldwell1 of Morrisana. We cannot say, as R.W. Emerson2 did to the author of Leaves of Grass, “We greet thee on the threshold of a great career;”3 but we do say, with all our heart, full as it is, at the moment, of ancient reminiscences of many halcyon days passed with our friend Cauldwell, when we both were wont to read the Declaration of Independence, on our cotton pocket handkerchiefs. All hail! brother Cauldwell; and we congratulate our fellow citizens of Westchester that they will have continued in their local legislature, a man so good and true as our worthy friend. We assure him that “Our flag is there!”


1. William P. Cauldwell (1824–1907) published the New York Sunday Mercury, one of the leading weekend papers in the country. In his youth, Cauldwell worked with Whitman at the New York Aurora[back]

2. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882) was an American poet and transcendentalist. [back]

3. "I greet you at the beginning of a great career" is a quote from a private letter by Emerson to Whitman regarding his 1855 edition ofLeaves of Grass. Whitman then publicized the letter and even used it in future printings of Leaves of Grass[back]

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