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The Union Prayer Meeting begun three weeks ago in this city is continued this week in the Reformed Dutch Church, Fourth street, corner South 2d. While the secular press cannot be expected to assume the office of a religious teacher, yet such are the characteristics of the present revival, that we cannot as lovers of the public weal refrain from commending to all the importance of attending to the essential truths of Christianity. These truths underlie our national morals and civic virtues. In so far as the present revival tends to develope conscience, instruct the understanding and improve the character of men, we rejoice in its progress. It is very clear, whatever may be the causes of the existing religious movement, that it promises to result in great good to individuals, and, we hope, to the community at large. The meetings held here as elsewhere are remarkably free from everything that savors of extravagance either in feeling or expression. And if any of our readers have hitherto refrained from attending them, we have only to say that they are as yet ignorant of the calm but serious earnestness which controls them, and of the beneficent influences which they are calculated to exert. A practical christianity is the conservator of our best social interests, and who can be so blind as to refuse to encourage the means by which it is fostered?

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