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THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, for October. The contents of this number are—a paper on “Cornwall;” “Tom Brown’s School Days;” “Communication with India;” “Venetian Embassy at the Court of James I.” “A voyage to Iceland;” “The Parish Priest;” “George Stephenson;” and “The Indian Mutiny.” None of these demand special remark, except those on Communication with India and a Voyage to Iceland. The former establishes, what in fact has been proved before, that the Suez canal project is impracticable, and the same may be said of the Euphrates Valley route, which proposed to cross Africa by means of river steamers along the Euphrates and Tigris. The article on Iceland reveals many interesting facts about that unknown land, among which is the singular statement that the ordinary colloquy of that country is carried on in Latin, so that the language of the ancient Romans is not a dead language after all.

ARTHUR’S HOME MAGAZINE for January contains an excellent steel plate, a colored fashion plate, and several other beautiful illustrations, besides the usual quantity of entertaining reading matter.

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