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The British Magazines

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We call attention to the advertisement of Messrs. Leonard Scott and Co.’s1 cheap reprints of the British Magazines. They republish the four Quarterlies and Blackwood2 from advance sheets, nearly as soon as the original issue, and offer the whole at $10 yearly, the original price in Great Britain being more than three times that amount. From the detailed notices we have made of each magazine as received, our readers must be familiar with the character and merits of these worldfamed periodicals; and we need therefore now say no more than point out the advisability of parties wishing to become subscribers for all or any of the publications, sending in their names to the publishers forthwith, so as to commence with the new year.


1. Leonard Scott & Co. was a New York publishing company created by Leonard Scott (1810–1895) that focused on reprinting British magazines. [back]

2. Blackwood's Magazine, or Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, was a monthly magazine created by William Blackwood in 1817. Though it was published in Scotland it quickly attracted a wide readership in Great Britain and the U.S., especially for its fiction offerings. For more information, see David Finkelstein, The House of Blackwood: Author-Publisher Relations in the Victorian Age? (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002). [back]

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