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Ridegewood or Nassau?

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We had supposed that the "vexed question" of naming our water works had been some time since settled in favor of the word Ridgewood.1 Press and people here and abroad had become reconciled to that peculiar and appropriate designation, when the authorities—very stupidly we think—undertake to dub it the "Nassau Water"—at least that is the phrase they "ring into" the official advertisment of the approaching celebration. We were the first probably to christen the water Ridgewood, but we are not so obstinate as to persist in so calling it if a better name can be found. The word Nassau appears to us be hackneyed, and consequently lacks the freshness and originality of the other title. At any rate, the question should be settled at once, formally and forever. "Under which king, Bezonian?"2


1.  [back]

2. This quotation is from Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part II and can be found in Act V, Scene 3, line 3521. [back]

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