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History of Sardinia

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We commence on our outside page to-day, and shall conclude in three numbers, a brief history of the wars which the French and Austrian have heretofore waged on their present battle ground, in the Sardinian dominions.1 It will be seen from this that in all contests between these two great powers, the samller power of Sardinia has been the greatest sufferer; that whether France or Austria won, Piedmont was ravaged and devastated. Hitherto the result of the present war has been according to the same precedent—it is Piedmont which has been plundered, whose wealth and property has been confiscated by the invading Austrians, and whose plains have already been again soaked in blood. It remains to be seen whether Napoleon is generous and disinterested enough to avoid the example of his predecessors on the French throne, and act an honest and unselfish part towards his ally, should victory finally perch on his banners. If not, Piedmont will have little cause to congratulate herself in having called her powerful neighbor of France to defend her against her scarcely less powerful enemy of Austria.


1. The Franco-Austrian War of 1859, also known as the Second Italian War of Independence, consisted of conflicts provoked by the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia and their alliance with France against their common enemy: Austria. [back]

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