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At all the ferries this morning, there are many families and much furniture coming this way and there is very little of an exodus from the city. So far as we can learn, there never was a former year when anything like so many houses were engaged and so many removals taking place, as on Saturday and to day. The causes of this are, a water supply and cheap ferriage. On the former of these topics we have written quite an ocean of words lately, and do not propose to deluge our readers with any more just yet, on such an aqueous subject. Of the latter, as it affects the Eastern District, we speak fully in to-day's issue. Suffice it then in this connection to state, that ere the sun goes down to-night there will literally be thousands added to the population of the Eastern District. There has been an unprecedented (of late years) number of houses built here this Spring, and all appear to be occupied. The agents say they have never had such a call for houses. The 13th ward, it is fair to presume, will soon not have a vacant lot in it.

The mere modus operandi of moving has been so frequently described by us, and so often experienced by most of our readers, that we will not burden them with a disquisition upon it, In every street the evidences are seen, that the advantages of Brooklyn, and particularly of the Eastern District, as a place of residence, are getting to be too widely known and generally admitted to need illustration from our pen.

We give a hearty welcome, in the name of the people of the E. D., to the new comers. Personally, we expect to rank a large proportion of them among the subscribers to the Times; and by perusing its daily record of local events they will see that the community in which they have cast their lot is a generous, enterprising, good natured, and on the whole very estimable and amiable one; and never, we believe and trust, will any of them have reason to regret having located themselves among us.

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