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[The Rev. E. S. Porter]

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The Rev. E. S. Porter, we are informed, delivered a sermon yesterday evening on Sabbath desecration, having especial regard to the proposed running the R. R. Cars on Sundays. He treated the subject with his usual ability, trying the origin of the Sabbath back to the creation of man, enlarging on its subsequent ratification on Mount Sinai, and the change from the seventh day of the week to the first in honor of the Savior's resurrection. Not having been present, we are unable to give a detailed report, but we understand he attributed the feeling in favor of Sunday cars, and the growing laxity among many classes of the observance of the institution, to the infidel tone of many of the publications of the day, and especially the Sunday papers. To show that his censures on this species of literature were merited, he read an extract from a Sunday paper (we could not learn which) that a friend had handed to him. In reading it, he actually held it by a pair of tongs (obtained from the vestry, we believe,) to express his disgust in having to handle such an article; and observed that he would have to wash out the pocket in which he had carried it, to cleanse it from the pollution of such a contact! What do our Sunday contemporaries think of this?

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