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SUNDAY CARS.—We had to write line upon line and precept upon precept for the instruction of the saintly directors of the City Railroad Company, before we could convince them that it was right to run cars on Sundays; and at last they effected a compromise between their pockets and their consciences by placing on the routes about half the number required by the amount of travel. Hence the "Sunday cars" are crowded to an extent which, however profitable to the Company, is exceedingly inconvenient to the passengers. The directors at first thought it a sin to run any cars at all on Sunday, but now their theory appears to be that they will avoid culpability if they run only as few as the traffic can possibly be crowded into. Surely they might stretch their elastic consciences a little further, so as to place on the routes enough cars to give at least two-thirds of passengers a change of sitting down. At present the larger half have to stand during most of the trips.

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