Yours of yesterday rec'd announcing the 3 o'clock P M arrangement. Opera House Chestnut above 10th—for 15th inst. I will be ready & on hand.2 When you come over, Sunday or any other day soon, come in the forenoon or before 3 in afternoon or in even'g as convenient
Walt Whitman loc.01480.001_large.jpg loc.01480.002_large.jpgCorrespondent:
Thomas Donaldson
(1843–1898) was a lawyer from Philadelphia and a friend of Whitman. He
introduced Whitman to Bram Stoker and later accompanied Stoker when he visited
the poet; he also organized a fund-raising drive to buy Whitman a horse and
carriage. He authored a biography of Whitman titled Walt
Whitman, the Man (1896). For more information about Donaldson, see
Steven Schroeder, "Donaldson, Thomas (1843–1898)," Walt Whitman:
An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York:
Garland Publishing, 1998).