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Whitman Archive Title: By the pond
Whitman Archive ID: med.00787
Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in the Private Collection of Kendall Reed
Date: 1877–1881
Genre: prose
Physical Description: 1 leaf, handwritten
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As Ed Folsom notes, this manuscript "is the record of a day wandering near Timber Creek on the Stafford's farm" (see "Three Unpublished Whitman Letters to Harry Stafford and a Specimen Days Prose Fragment,"
Walt Whitman Quarterly Review
25.4 [Spring 2008], 199). Whitman first published this material in "How I Get Around at Sixty and Take Notes. (No. 2),"
(9 April 1881). Most of it was later used in
Specimen Days & Collect
as "Horse-Mint" (1882–1883) and collected in
Complete Prose Works
(1892). For the complex history of how Whitman, for
Specimen Days
, mined his six-part
series on "How I Get Around," see Floyd Stovall, ed.,
Prose Works 1892
(New York: New York University Press, 1963), 1:347-351.
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