Yours of yesterday just rec'd—with the $25—(making 150 in all)2—best thanks—So you like the Brignoli bit3—I was not sure it amounted to much, but it came from the heart—(it was first sent to the Tribune to be published the morning of B's funeral, but the T sent it back)—
How are you all? How is Al, under the new dispensation? I send my love specially to Alma and the girls & the new Mrs J—
Nothing very new with me—I am ab't as well as usual except an increasing lameness—Anticipate a time not remote when I shall be unable to walk at all—Have not forgotten the Memorandum History of the Portrait—have already outlined & partly prepared it—you shall have it soon4—
I am writing this up in my big den—the floor all around horribly litter-rary, but a cheery wood fire in the little stove—& I comfortable in my great capacious rattan arm-chair—(which I may will to Al, if he cares for it)—
W WCorrespondent:
John H. Johnston (1837–1919) was a New York
jeweler and close friend of Whitman. Johnston was also a friend of Joaquin
Miller (Horace Traubel, With Walt Whitman in Camden, Tuesday, August 14, 1888). Whitman visited the Johnstons for the
first time early in 1877. In 1888 he observed to Horace Traubel: "I count
[Johnston] as in our inner circle, among the chosen few" (Horace Traubel, With Walt Whitman in Camden, Wednesday, October 3, 1888). See also Johnston's letter about
Whitman, printed in Charles N. Elliot, Walt Whitman as Man,
Poet and Friend (Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1915), 149–174. For
more on Johnston, see Susan L. Roberson, "Johnston, John H. (1837–1919) and Alma Calder," Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and
Donald D. Kummings (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998).