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are you and me


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Overwritten brown with strikethrough
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Metamark green with triple underline
Long deletion gray background with top and bottom border
  [begin leaf 1 recto] [cut away], the ^[cut away] compact, peace, [cut away]  
  are you and me,
The perpetual arrivals of immigrants are you and me, The Its young men's manner's, speech, dress, friendships 
  are you and me,
^The Its Crimes, enormities lies, defections, slavery, are you and me, The Its Congress is you and me—the officers, capitols, armies, 
  ships, are you and me,
The Its inventions, science, shchools, are you and me, The Its deserts, forests, clearings, settlements, log houses, hunters, are you and me, Its ships, fisheries, whaling, gold‑digging are you and me, The Its paved cities, wharves, wealth, avenues, dwellings, 
  are you and me.
The perpetual arrivals of immigrants are you and me. The north, south, east, west, are you and me, Natural and artificial are you and me, Liberty, language, poems, employments, are you and me, Failures, successes, births, deaths, are you and me, Past, presteent, future, are ^only you and me.—
I swear I will am cannot ^to evade any part of myself, Not America, nor any attribute of America, Not my body—not friendship, hospitality, procreation, Not my soul—not the last explanation of prudence, Not faith, sin, defiance, nor any of the dispositions or duties of myself, Not liberty—not to cheer up slaves and horrify 
[cut away] the show of the tushes of power and [cutaway]
  [begin leaf 1 verso]
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