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Robert Burns

  • Whitman Archive Title: Robert Burns
  • Whitman Archive ID: upa.00158
  • Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in the Walt Whitman Collection, Annenberg Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
  • Box: 2
  • Folder: 69
  • Repository Title: Robert Burns
  • Date: 1882
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 10 leaves, handwritten; printed
  • View Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
  • Content: This is a draft for the article entitled "Robert Burns" published on 16 December 1882 in The Critic . The draft contains annotated clippings from a previous article on Burns that Whitman had published on 25 January 1875 in Our Land and Time (the article was copied the same day in the New York Daily Graphic .) Parts of the previous 1875 article were used in the 1882 article. Later, Whitman revised the article again for publication in the North American Review in November 1886 under the title "Robert Burns as Poet and Person." The same title was kept for later versions published in November Boughs, Democratic Vistas and Other Papers in 1888; in Complete Poems & Prose in 1888 and in Complete Prose Works in 1891-1892. For more on this, see Gary Scharnhorst, "Whitman on Robert Burns: An Early Essay Recovered," Walt Whitman Quarterly Review , 13 (Spring 1996), 4.

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