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from Hookers command
Ward E. bed 47
Hiram Johnson
Co K. 157th N.Y. Vols
wound in left hip
this is the bed of death
he is failing fast—the muffled groan, the laboring panting chest & throat, the convulsion ? without intermission, the attitude of the hands, the restlessness—the contraction & dilation of the nostrils—fortunately he is out of his head, poor fellow
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Lieut Wm Hubbard co B. 27th Indiana reg't
Bed 34—ward H.
father Wm Hubbard, Cloverdale, Putnam co. Ind.
wrote Wm. Letter to his father above.
wound bad in foot, instep, rec'd at Chancellorsville, Va. Sunday forenoon—bones out, pretty badly mashed, will get over it, but foot useless probably.
June 23—is recovering
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Henry Benton, co E. 7th Ohio Vol.
Ward K. bed 44
wants a little jelly, & an orange
wound[illegible]ed ^last Sunday at Chancellorsville in leg—I saw the bullet & a piece of the bone—stout hearty Ohio boy.—parents live in Huron, Erie co. Ohio—mothers address Mrs W. R. Benton, as above—
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Henry Eberle, bed 8 Ward K—ward co H. 28th Penn Vol.
wants a [illegible]German prayer book
wounded in left shoulder pretty bad—reads German & English—born in Penn.
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bring bed No 4 Ward H. a pipe
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Hiram F. Willis ward I, bed 21 co I. bed 84th Penn.
wounded at [illegible]Chancellorsville Sunday.—wounded in hands &c. & in thigh
father Hiram Willis Eldred, Wayne co Penn
ward. D. Dont forget Austin Lawton ward D. ^(also Chas Moody, bed 44) ward D. n[illegible]orth side near the door right arm badly wounded—left hand slightly wounded—Ohio boy—(born in England) has a friend in one of the Departments.
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Robert Hatch bed 34 ward H. co B. 141st Penn.
wounded in left leg below knew , fractured.
wounded at Chanc. Sunday.
Martin H. Codding Pike township Bedford co. Penn
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Sunday May 10th—'63
Sunday May 10th
spendt a good part of the day the day in Armory Sq. Hospital in wards E. F. G. H. I & K.
many badly wounded men from Chancellorville &c all forms of wounds, some a large proportion in head—
—some cases of men badly burnt by explosion of caissons &c
—wrote a number of letters for Ohio & Indiana m[illegible]en
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Wm Williams
bed 41 Ward G.
—bring some pickles
badly wounded in arm has suffered much
some peaches
dont forget
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Monday night May 11 '63
spent four hours this evening in Armory—
recollect the poor young fellow in Ward E. with one left leg amputated well up to thigh below the knee & a wound in arm—^co D 77th New York—^wounded Sunday May 4th at Chancellorsville tells me he wants his mother to come & and see him, but has not money enough to send her for that purpose
Erskine Branch [after a long seige, sometimes at death's door, much pain, one two or three partial recoveries, & then relapsing, he got quite well, got up & went out at last a well-drest handsome fellow
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Bed 41 Ward G. Armory
May 12
William Williams
co F. 27th Indiana
wounded seriously in shoulder—ahe lay naked to the waist on acc't of the heat—I never saw a more superb development of chest, & limbs, neck, &c. a perfect model of manly strength—seemed awful to take such God's masterpiece &
nearest friend Mr. J.C. Williams
Lafayette Tippecanoe co. Indiana
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Noah Laing bed 36 Ward I some peaches
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Mrs. Edwin Burt. Ridgefield Fairfield co. Conn.
[torn away]
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ward K bed 19 Arm David Coon, co. K. 37th N.Y.
^Mrs. Eveline Ballou Sullivan Ashland co. Ohio
wounded in the left leg, below knee, flesh wound, at Chancellorsville Sunday 4th——feeling pretty comfortable, has good care
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[cut away]
Allen Chandler bed 13. ward F. some peaches
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James Moore Co B. 147th Penn
ward I, bed 31
brother W.H. Moore, co B. 126th Penn.
flesh wound in thigh will get along well
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ward E
Erskine B. Branch Kinery 6th Army corps co D. 77th New York.
19th 19 yrs. old 10th May '63
wounded at 2d Fredericksburg Sunday 4th May.
lost your his left leg below the knee (amputated there)—doing pretty well
also slight wound on upper left arm
doing pretty well, May 15th, 1863
wants mother to come down here if possible
Mrs. Sarah Hudson Rock City Falls, Saratoga co New York
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[torn away]
Member of co K 51st New York
in Carver Hospital—lost his left
arm—a Brooklyn boy
John Lowery
Amos H. Vliet