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fifes like a tho the thousand whistles of the fifes, (playing Lannigan's ball) so ro with inexpressible roguishness—(50 drums)
the Irish with their heads all d copiously dressed with branches of green—impulsive, shouting—
President, Gen. Grant, Stanton Meade, Hancock Sec Wells, McCulloch
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—some of the very full artillery regts [illegible]look'd splendidly—moving in masses—
good, hearty young men
scene near President's stand—rolling drums saluting officers
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—the pontoons
—the big panniers on mules backs fill'd with shovels
^(panniers made of ox-hide)
9th Corps—splendid
—with battle flags
—men looked very neat & clean but worn
with bouquets in caps
—the ambulance with hanging lantern
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great drum corps
old tatters, that had been battle flags
Pioneers with axes on shoulders
the crowds
the perfect day—the clear sky—the white, & edged clouds
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the long & glittering, wide ranks they c—will they never stop?—For two wholde days commencing early in the morning & continuing long into the night—the the beleating drum—every musket bright, with sup–pointed slanting bayonet glinting in the bright sun—
the drums, [illegible]endless drums producing a strange delicious trembling shock in the belly
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Clarendon Hotel
Capt. Wm Caldwell born in Scotland.
age 27—came out from palace garden as serg't
been in the same fights as George
Walt Whitman
yellow badged Hospital wagons
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name of poem
—the flags—the flags—the flags!
5th—& 146th NY
The flags! the flags! the flags
tatters & shreds—
—not the gaudy
some of those men with ^branches of flowers stuck in their hats
Walt Whitman
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The flags
wh the blood—wet blood the ardor, devotion
as they pa[illegible]ss—
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2d day
May 24, 1865
15th & 17th Corps
First the broad capacious open waiting avenue—then singly Gen Sherman, passing rapidly by—the sudden shouts, quite tumultous,—but he pays no more attention to it, than if he it was the wind blowing—
—the large ^& magnificent bouquet—he turns, one of his generals from behind rides up & takes it from him—a & still the shouting crowd, & still the perfect deafness &
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immobility of the great soldier—with a I think a shade of scornfulness & haughtyiness & scornful p passion on his nervous face. (Haughty here to this ephemeral popular hurrahing, but, as I know from many a soldier of his army, res
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