I took the liberty, two or three weeks since, of forwarding you a MS tale "The Angel
of Tears," intended for the "Boston Miscellany."1—
Be so kind, if you accept it, to forward a note, informing me thereof, to this place
(your agency in New York), and if you decline, please return the MS.—
My stories, I believe, have been pretty popular, and extracted liberally. Several of
them in the Democratic Review2 have received public favor, instance "Death in the
School–Room,"3 &c &c.
Walter Whitman
Tuesday June 14th4
Wishes Manuscripts
N. Hale Jr. Boston
Ans. June 23, '42
Nathan Hale, Jr.
(1818–1871) served as the editor of the Boston
Miscellany from 1842–1843. He was the son of journalist and newspaper publisher Nathan
Hale. Whitman wrote Hale twice in an effort to sell the story "The Angel of Tears," but Hale declined to publish it.
- 1. The Boston
Miscellany of Literature and Fashion was a monthly magazine that ran
from 1842–1843. Nathan Hale Jr. served as editor in 1842 and resigned the
position to Henry Tuckerman at the end of the year. The magazine printed
literary contributions from writers like James Russell Lowell, Edgar Allan Poe,
and Nathaniel Hawthorne. The magazine also printed
fashion plates and music (Frank L. Mott, A History of American
Magazines, 1741–1930 [Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
1958], 1: 718–720). [back]
- 2. The United
States Magazine and Democratic Review (October 1837–December
1851), a monthly magazine designed to promote the liberal politics of the
Democratic party, as well as to provide a forum for contemporary American
literature, was jointly edited by John L. O'Sullivan and Samuel D. Langree. Often
called simply the Democratic Review, it was published
under that title from January-December 1852, then as the United States Review (January 1853-January 1856), and later as the United States Democratic Review (February
1856–October 1859). See here for the full encyclopedia entry. [back]
- 3. This tale is Whitman's
earliest known short story and the first of nine stories by Whitman that were
published for the first time in The United States Magazine and
Democratic Review. When Whitman reprinted this story in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1847,
while he was editor of that paper, he shortened the title to "Death in the
school room." Whitman included a poem just before the story titled "Christmas
Hymn." He later reprinted the tale as "Death in the School-Room. (A Fact.)" in the "Pieces in Early Youth" section of Specimen Days & Collect (Philadelphia: Rees Welsh
& Co., 1882), 340–344. "Pieces in Early Youth" was also reprinted in
Whitman's Complete Prose Works (1892): see Death in the School-Room. (A Fact.)" For a complete list of revisions
to the language of the story made or authorized by Whitman for publication in
the Brooklyn Daily Eagle and Specimen
Days & Collect, see Thomas L. Brasher, ed., The
Collected Writings of Walt Whitman: The Early Poems and the Fiction
(New York: New York University Press, 1963), 55–60. For the publication
history and reception of "Death in the School-Room," see About 'Death in the School-Room.'" [back]
- 4. Whitman previously wrote
Hale to inquire if the Boston Miscellany would publish
"The Angel of Tears" on June 1, 1842. [back]
- 5. This address is written on the verso of the letter. [back]