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The mountain‑ash, a large shrub, 16 or [illegible]20 ft high—northern part of the state of New York —has white blossoms—blooms early in the spring—has then a pleasant perfume—the hill‑sides where it grows thickly look white from the blossoms.—

amusements around the fire in the lumbermans hut—the great bright light—the songs and stories—

The lumberman in the woods—goes in in the early winter—makes a hut— perhaps a gang of lumbermen—the pine is the principal timber—the pine grows sometimes thick as a hogshead —100, 150, and even 200 feet high—they cut it in logs of 13 feet.—The maple, the beech, &c are good woods—hemlock, spruce—hardy life, healthy, robust, —food is largely of salt pork, beans, peas, &c and the like.—The animals likely Story of to be seen are the wolf, the black bear, and possibly a catamount

story of the catamount and the Indian of the Indian of the St. Regeis—The Indian lived in his hut in the woods—made sugar‑baskets —took a lot into the village—left his little son of five years old to take care of the hut—returned— boy gone—peered around up and down—saw the boy up in a tree in the power of a large catamount who was tossing him up and down—Indian at last fired—the enraged catamount tore [begin surface 2]

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