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Amos T. Akerman to B. F. Butler, 3 February 1871

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Feb. 3, 1871. Hon. B. F. Butler, House of Representatives. Dear Sir: I suggest the enclosed as suitable additions to your bill on the subject of testimony. The reason for the first proviso is this: in Georgia, by a law passed since the war, the accused in a case of felony, is permitted to make his statement not under oath, and the prosecutor is denied the right of cross-examination. It seems to me that if the statement of the accused goes to the jury at all, it ought to go at least under the safeguard of cross-examination. Very respectfully, A. T. Akerman, Attorney General. Provided, that all witnesses shall be subject to cross-examination; and Provided further that no person shall be incompetent as a witness on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
suggestions for bill on testimony
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