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Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to George S. Boutwell, 2 June 1869

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June 2, 1869. Hon. Geo S. Boutwell, Secretary of the Treasury Sir: I have received your letter of the 26th ult. with the accompanying papers, relating to the case of Nathaniel Harris, arising under the Internal Revenue laws. Harris proposes to pay nine thousand one hundred and eighty seven dollars, and fifty-three cents, as a tax upon fine cut chewing tobacco, and upon smoking tobacco—in reference to which his returns have been found to be deficient—and to pay, also, all costs of court, and all expenses incurred in the seizure and custody of his property, which, it is supposed, has been proceeded against as forfeited to the United States,— and that these amounts shall be received in full settlement of all claims and suits arising out of this deficiency in his returns. Having examined the case as it appears in the papers in the papers​ , submitted, I recommend that it be compromised in the manner proposed. The papers are returned herewith. Very Resp. &c. &c. E. R. Hoar, Attorney General.
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