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Amos T. Akerman to S. R. Harlow, 10 November 1871

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Nov. 10, 1871. S. R. Harlow, Esq. U. S. Marshal, New York City. Sir: I referred your account $1226, special expenses, in executing the laws of the United States against illicit distillers in your District, to a competent officer of this Department, with instructions to report his views. He has done so in the enclosed memorandum. I do not see that any other view can properly be taken of the subject, and though regretting that the law does not make more adequate provision in such cases, I am bound by the law as it stands, and am obliged to disallow the account. Yet I shall be rejoiced if Congress at its next session shall provide for your relief. Very respectfully, A. T. Akerman, Attorney General.
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