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Amos T. Akerman to H. C. Whitley, 18 August 1871

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Aug. 18, 1871. Col. H. C. Whitley No. 52 Bleecker st. New York Sir: In addition to the sum which you have already been authorized to spend under the appropriation for the detection and prosecution of crimes against the United States, the sum of Five thousand dollars will be placed in your hands, to be used in furtherance of the objects of the appropriation in the city of New York. Mr. John J. Davenport, U. S. Commissioner, has been in conference with the President on the subject, and will acquaint you with the particular work in view. You will of course see that none of the money is applied to any purpose but that of the appropriation, and at a proper time you will put this Department, either orally or in writing, as may then seem expedient, in possession of the details of the expenditure. If you will send your receipt in the usual form, the money will be promptly remitted. Very respectfully, A. T. Akerman, Attorney General.
$5000 sent
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