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Amos T. Akerman to E. C. Ingersoll, 17 November 1871

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Nov. 17, 1871. Hon. E. C. Ingersoll, No. 148 K. street, Washington, D. C. Sir: In answer to your letter of the 31st ultimo, requesting me to transmit to the Secretary of the Interior my opinion, rendered on the 3d of June, 1871, touching the rights of the Central Branch of the Union Pacific RR. Company, which from the Department of the Interior, when it was expected that the counsel for the company would endeavor to show grounds for a reconsideration of the opinion, I have the honor to say that no ground for reconsideration having been shown, and notice having been given to me that no further consideration of the matter by this Department is desired, I have informed the Secretary of the Interior that the views expressed in said opinion are unchanged, and that the opinion will again be transmitted to him, if he wishes it. Very respectfully, A. T. Akerman, Attorney General.
Opinion on Case of Central Branch Union Pacific RR.
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