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  • About 13


  • TEI 13
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13 results

Dollars and Sense in Collaborative Digital Scholarship: The Example of the Walt Whitman Hypertext Archive

  • Creator(s): Kenneth M. Price

At the time, I was teaching at the College of William & Mary, and one of my graduate students, Charles

In my view, Primary Source Media would have been much better off to use SGML, a recognized international

Iowa cooperated because my co-director, Ed Folsom, edits the journal and controls copyright.

From Georgetown University's American Studies Crossroads Project

  • Creator(s): Elizabeth Lorang

He is my key—sometimes daily—intellectual consultant for the project.

The project has become central to my scholarly life (in that it has become the most time consuming and

important of my projects).

"Each Part and Tag of Me is a Miracle": Reflections after Tagging the 1867 Leaves of Grass

  • Date: 2001
  • Creator(s): Brett Barney

Ken recommended that in preparation for my work I read the chapter of Guidelines for Electronic Text

imagining "gentle" to mean gradual and pleasant, as in "a gentle slope," so I pictured myself easing my

Though I found the "gentle introduction" daunting and more often blunt than gentle, by working my way

My experiences since those first days have only reinforced my initial impressions; as I've worked at

Perhaps a portion of my frustrations (and also insights) are the result of Ken's somewhat fortuitous

The Walt Whitman Archive at Ten: Some Backward Glances and Vistas Ahead

  • Creator(s): Kenneth M. Price

more audacious artistic uses of Whitman is the Flash animation " Walt Whitman " by performance artist My

One day in 1995 Charles Green and another graduate student, David Donlon, strolled into my office and

Susan Belasco, my colleague at the University of Nebraska, has made significant strides in presenting

My advice to Whitman scholars would be to hang on to your electronic rights.

This idea also appeals to me because of my academic place , the University of Nebraska.

Transgenic Deformation: Literary Translation and the Digital Archive

  • Date: 2006
  • Creator(s): Matt Cohen

His and Lisa Samuels's notion of deformance has shaped my and many others' approaches to tagging and

My co-editor Rachel Price and I recently edited Álvaro Armando Vasseur's 1912 translation of Whitman's

with the famous stepped indentations of "O Captain! My Captain!"

Authoritative Online Editions

  • Creator(s): Thomas H. Benton [William Pannapacker]

One of the great pleasures of my time in graduate school was acquiring, piece by piece, the entire 24

for those books—in the years just before the creation of the World Wide Web—gave me a reason to leave my

still had many secondhand bookstores, and sometimes travel to other cities in the hope of completing my

Database as Genre: The Epic Transformation of Archives

  • Creator(s): Ed Folsom

Most of my graduate students are still surprised to find Whitman wrote a novel and published fiction


  • Creator(s): Ed Folsom

Years ago, when I used to hit a key on my old typewriter, I could follow and even explain the mechanical

Now, when I hit a key on my computer keyboard, my knowledge of the process that makes a letter appear

on my screen is hazy, to say the least, not to mention the process that transfers it to paper.

How this sentence I'm now writing gets preserved on my USB stick and in what form is a mystery to me.

If my rhetoric is, as Freedman suggests, "utopian," my experience in working on the archive is anything

The Walt Whitman Archive: The Body of Work Electric

  • Creator(s): William Pannapacker

Whitman in the early 1990s, and it took more than ten years and at least a thousand dollars to complete my

I have sometimes used the while working on scholarly essays when I am away from my home institution.

Electronic Scholarly Editions

  • Creator(s): Kenneth M. Price

Whitman said to one of his early German translators: "It has not been for my country alone—ambitious

The final aim of the United States of America is the solidarity of the world One purpose of my chants

Edition, Project, Database, Archive, Thematic Research Collection: What's in a Name?

  • Creator(s): Kenneth M. Price

texts are becoming fundamentally or solely "literary-encoders" and "literary-librarians," then, despite my

He once said that "arose out of my life in Brooklyn and New York from 1838 to 1853, absorbing a million

ultimately is folded into the or remains a separate, stand-alone collection, it certainly grew out of my

After the publication of the 1881-1882 , Whitman remarked, "All this is not only my obligation to Henry

It should be noted that my view of differs here from that of some commentators.

Civil War Washington, the Walt Whitman Archive, and Some Present Editorial Challenges and Future Possibilities

  • Creator(s): Kenneth M. Price

My thinking on a set of interrelated issues—what is it we should be editing?

He once said that "arose out of my life in Brooklyn and New York from 1838 to 1853, absorbing a million

Based on my experience with this project, it is a responsibility not quickly or easily met. developed

(I wouldn't be surprised, conversely, if my historian friends regard the as a long footnote on war-time

My own contribution will be an analysis of the Armory Square Hospital Gazette .

Editing Whitman in the Digital Age

  • Creator(s): Kenneth M. Price | Ed Folsom

Even these days, at the lapse of many years, I can never turn their tiny leaves, or even take one in my

See my "Edition, Project, Database, Archive, Thematic Research Collection: What's in a Name?"

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