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  • Commentary 3
Search : of captain, my captain!
Section : Commentary
Work title : Song Of The Exposition

3 results

"Leaves of Grass"

  • Date: September 1887
  • Creator(s): Lewin, Walter

Me, ruthless and devilish as any, that my wrists are not chain'd with iron or my ankles with iron?

do I exclude you, Not till the waters refuse to glisten for you and the leaves to rustle for you, do my

"The chief end I purpose to myself in all my labours," wrote Dean Swift, "is to vex the world rather

and flows": "This day, before dawn, I ascended a hill and look'd at the crowded heaven, And I said to my

And my spirit said ' No .'"

Annotations Text:

suddenly,—reservedly, with a beautiful paucity of communication, even silently, such was its effect on my

Walt Whitman's New Book

  • Date: 24 June 1876
  • Creator(s): Gosse, Edmund W

not live another day; I cannot can not rest, O God — eat Or drink or sleep, till I put forth myself, My

West, where "In a far-away faraway northern county, in the placid, pas- toral pastoral region, Lives my

farmer-friend farmer friend , the theme of my recitative, a famous Tamer of Oxen ." : This is a worthy

Whitman, Poet and Seer

  • Date: 22 January 1882
  • Creator(s): G. E. M.

His text is—and it is a stalwart text: "I stand in my place, with my own day, here!" II.

"I resist anything better than my own diversity," he says.

Clifford in his essay on "Cosmic Emotion:" "I open my scuttle at night and see the far-sprinkled far-

"My sun has his sun, and round him obediently wheels, He joins with his partners a group of superior

Hence from my shuddering sight to never more return that Show of blacken'd mutilated corpses!

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