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  • Commentary 7

Work title

Search : of captain, my captain!
Section : Commentary
Work title : Specimen Days Collect (Separate Volume)

7 results

Review of Specimen Days and Collect

  • Date: 4 June 1887
  • Creator(s): Lewin, Walter

announcing his "positive conviction that some of these birds sing and others fly and flirt about here for my

for me, blew into space a thousand cobwebs of genteel and ethical illusion, and, having thus shaken my

Walt Whitman's Prose Works

  • Date: 21 July 1883
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

though momentary view of them, and then of their course on and on southeast, till gradually fading—(my

Moreover, just as his one successful lyrical poem, "My Captain," is enough to disprove all his theories

Review of Specimen Days and Collect

  • Date: July 1883
  • Creator(s): Call, Wathen Mark Wilks

"The later years of the last century," he tells us, "found the Van Velsor family, my mother's side, living

My father's side—probably the fifth generation from the first English arrivals in New England—were at

"In February, 1873," he tells us, "I was stricken down by paralysis, gave up my desk, and emigrated to

And it is to my life here that I, perhaps, owe partial recovery (a sort of second wind, or semi-renewal

young hickory sapling out there—to sway and yield to its tough-limber upright stem—haply to get into my

Review of Specimen Days and Collect

  • Date: 27 November 1882
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

Sometimes I took up my quarters in the hospital, and slept or watch'd there several nights in succession

excitements and physical deprivations and lamentable sights,) and, of course, the most profound lesson of my

Review of Specimen Days and Collect

  • Date: 18 November 1882
  • Creator(s): Dowden, Edward

nights—some literary meditations—books, authors examined, Carlyle, Poe, Emerson tried (always under my

cedar-tree, in the open air, and never in the library)—mostly the scenes everybody sees, but some of my

to the spring under the willows—musical as soft-clinking glasses—pouring a sizeable stream, thick as my

for the buoyant and healthy alone, but meant just as well for ailing folk:— "Who knows (I have it in my

fancy, my ambition) but the pages now ensuing may carry ray of sun, or smell of grass or corn, or call

All About Walt Whitman

  • Date: 4 November 1882
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

barefooted every few minutes now and then in some neighboring black ooze, for unctuous mud- baths to my

Walt Whitman's New Volume

  • Date: 30 October 1882
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

. ∗ ∗ ∗ The successive growth-stages of my infancy, childhood, youth and manhood were all pass'd on Long

–49) and I split off with the Radicals, which led to rows with the boss and 'the party,' and I lost my

And then such lapses as these: By my great oak—sturdy, vital, green—give feet thick at the butt.

An hour or so after breakfast I wended my way down to the recesses of the aforesaid dell ∗ ∗ ∗ It was

just the place and time for my Adamic air-bath and flesh-brushing from head to foot.

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