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Search : of captain, my captain!
Section : Commentary
Year : 1876

5 results

Walt Whitman, the American Poet

  • Date: May 1876
  • Creator(s): Adams, Robert Dudley

One of his own countrymen (a press correspondent) thus writes of him— The only American prophet to my

He has no respect for artificial barriers to poetic inspiration:— "In my opinion the time has arrived

In my opinion, I say, while admitting that the venerable and heavenly forms of chiming versification

"Yes, my brethren, oh!

And thee, My Soul! Joys, ceaseless exercises, exaltations!

Walt Whitman's Poems

  • Date: 19 February 1876
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

grave illness, I gather up the pieces of prose and poetry left over since publishing a while since my

For some reason—not explainable or definite to my own mind, yet secretly pleasing and satisfactory to

And thee, My Soul! Joys, ceaseless exercises, exaltations!

Thee for my recitative!

Roll through my chant with all thy lawless music!

New Work by Walt. Whitman

  • Date: 11 March 1876
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

The only American prophet to my knowledge who enjoys a fame in England not accorded him in his own country

, strolling tides, Companions, travelers, gossiping as they journey; And he sends it out 'partly as my

And thee, My Soul! Joys, ceaseless exercises, exaltations!

Thee for my recitative!

Roll through my chant with all thy lawless music!

Review of Memoranda During the War

  • Date: 7 July 1876
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

Evidently very intelligent and well-bred—very affectionate—held on to my hand, and put it to his face

Walt Whitman's New Book

  • Date: 24 June 1876
  • Creator(s): Gosse, Edmund W

not live another day; I cannot can not rest, O God — eat Or drink or sleep, till I put forth myself, My

West, where "In a far-away faraway northern county, in the placid, pas- toral pastoral region, Lives my

farmer-friend farmer friend , the theme of my recitative, a famous Tamer of Oxen ." : This is a worthy

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