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  • Commentary 13


  • TEI 13
Search : of captain, my captain!
Section : Commentary
Format : TEI

13 results

The Furtive Hen and the Cat Whose Tail Was Too Long: On Whitman's Traces

  • Date: 2020
  • Creator(s): Corona, Mario

There is something in my nature furtive like an old hen!

of my real life, Only a few hints, a few diffused faint clews and indirection I seek for my own use

I wish to see my benefactor, & have felt much like striking my tasks, & visiting New York to pay my respects

Among the pilots are some of my particular friends—when I see them up in the pilot house on my way to

, and exemplify it," was my candid response.

Twentieth-Century Mass Media Appearances

  • Date: 2006
  • Creator(s): Jewell, Andrew | Price, Kenneth M.

My Captain!": O Builder! My Builder!

My Captain!" several times (see Mad issues for April 1959, September 1967, and March 1983).

The song's narrator claims "I'd give my left lung to be hers for one night" and "she breaks my heart

'Leaves of Grass,' my ass!"

My Robot Friend (2004). Walt Whitman.

Whitman Making Books/Books Making Whitman

  • Date: 2005
  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed

I make my way, / I am stern, acrid, large, undissuadable—but I love you, / I do not hurt you more than

edition of 500," he wrote to his friend William O'Connor, adding that "I could sell that number by my

My Captain!" and "When Lilacs Last in the Door-Yard Bloom'd."

And he found particular significance in the cover: "This is my design—I conceived it."

Body, set to them my name," followed by a blank space where Whitman added his signature in each copy

Re-Scripting Walt Whitman

  • Date: 2005
  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed | Price, Kenneth M.

his life, he could still recall the excitement of seeing this first article in print: "How it made my

heart double-beat to see my piece on the pretty white paper, in nice type" ( , 1:287).

to the President in the midst of his cabinet, and Good day my brother, to Sambo, among the hoes of the

lesson complete" ("Who Learns My Lesson Complete"), "Clear the way there Jonathan" ("A Boston Ballad

Commenced putting to press for good, at the job printing office of my friends, the brothers Rome, in

To Walt Whitman, America

  • Date: 2004
  • Creator(s): Price, Kenneth M.

mouth.—— I My eyes are bloodshot, they look down the river, A steamboat carries off paddles away my woman

beard, and reached till you held my feet."

Oh my free, proud, secure soul, where are you?"

'The moment my eyes fell on him I was content.'"

My only dread is lest my love should blind me, & my heart whisper "Tomorrow" when my reason says "Today

Whitman East & West: New Contexts for Reading Walt Whitman

  • Date: 2002
  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed

I took my M.A. in 1947 and my Ph.D. in 1949, the year after Lucy took hers.

I want to conclude by describing my encounter with someone my wife and I met when we visited Whitman's

body to meet my lover the sea, I will not touch my flesh to the earth as to other flesh to renew me.

I am grateful to my colleague Jerome Loving for calling my attention to this essay by Allen, an early

I thank my friend and former colleague Kenneth Price, who directed this dissertation, for calling my

Debating Manliness: Thomas Wentworth Higginson, William Sloane Kennedy, and the Question of Whitman

  • Date: 2001
  • Creator(s): Nelson, Robert K. | Price, Kenneth M.

I saw before me, sitting on the counter, a handsome, burly man, heavily built, and not looking, to my

me as more of a man, more of a democratic man, than the tallest of Whitman's roughs; to the eye of my

love had no bounds—all that my natural fastidiousness and cautious reserve kept from others I poured

Whitman might say to him "'od's my life, Saint Thomas, I am Snug the joiner & no lion, in this poem,

I, for my part, am no believer in the sacredness of the marriage ceremony, can imagine a perfect pure


  • Date: 1997
  • Creator(s): Helms, Alan | Parker, Hershel

My version of "Live Oak" differs from Parker's version in the Fourth Edition of The Norton Anthology

of American Literature (1994) , and Parker disapproves of my version, my title, and my interpretation

My essay first appeared in American Poetry Review months before The Continuing Presence came out, and

In any case, it's the later essay with my version of "Live Oak" that Parker rails against.

Parker is right in saying that I neglected to defend my choice, clearly a flaw in my essay.

The Real "Live Oak, with Moss": Straight Talk about Whitman's "Gay Manifesto"

  • Date: 1996
  • Creator(s): Parker, Hershel

Now he announces: "I am indifferent to my own songs" (l. 44); it is enough that he is to be with the

The five-line poem VI poses the question: "What think you I have taken my pen to record?"

My summary at the outset of this article delineates a coherent, frank, confident, and even ebullient

My Soul and I: The Inner Life of Walt Whitman (Boston: Beacon Press, 1985), p. 131.

Traveling with the Wounded: Walt Whitman and Washington's Civil War Hospitals

  • Date: 1996
  • Creator(s): Murray, Martin G. | Price, Kenneth M., Folsom, Ed

On the boat I had my hands full. One poor fellow died going up."

the hospitals, Whitman dolefully observed: Looking from any eminence and studying the topography in my

"There comes that odious Walt Whitman to talk evil and unbelief to my boys," she wrote in a letter to

"I think I would rather see the evil one himself—at least if he had horns and hoofs—in my ward.

"He took a fancy to my fever boy, and would watch with him sometimes half the night.

Pete the Great: A Biography of Peter Doyle

  • Date: 1994
  • Creator(s): Murray, Martin G.

Was Pete the muse for Whitman's most popular Lincoln tribute, the poem, "O Captain! My Captain!"?

While "O Captain!"

Like as not I would go to sleep—lay my head on my hands on the table.

I wish it given to him with my love."

Give my love to dear Mrs. and Mr.

Whitman’s “Live Oak with Moss”

  • Date: 1992
  • Creator(s): Helms, Alan

A line like "What think you I take my pen in hand to record?"

dear friends, my lovers.

my thoughts—I do not expose them, And yet they expose me more than all my other poems.

What is yours is mine, my father . . .

my likeness!

Walt Whitman: A Dialogue

  • Date: 1890
  • Creator(s): Santayana, George

You know my motto: "Better than to stand to sit, better than to sit to lie, Better than to dream to sleep

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