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  • Literary Manuscripts 6
Search : of captain, my captain!
Section : Literary Manuscripts
Work title : A Song For Occupations
Work title : My Picturegallery

6 results

Living Pictures

  • Date: Before 1855
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

The first several lines of the poem were published in 1880 as "My Picture-Gallery.

And to me each minute

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1855
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

sings as well as I, because although she reads no newspaper; never learned the gamut; And to shake my

Annotations Text:

The first lines of the notebook poem were revised and published as "My Picture-Gallery" in The American

The regular old followers

  • Date: Between 1853 and 1855

of the poem (not including this line) were revised and published in The American in October 1880 as My

I know a rich capitalist

  • Date: Between about 1854 and 1860

first several lines of that poem (not including the line in question) were revised and published as My

I know a rich capitalist

  • Date: Between about 1854 and 1860
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

first poem of the 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass , later called "Song of Myself": "I do not trouble my

The first several lines of the notebook (not including this line) were revised and published as "My Picture-Gallery

just granting his request, with great commiseration, when an old lady from the gallery cries out "O my

The regular old followers

  • Date: Between 1853 and 1855
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

to the President at his levee, / And he says Good day my brother, to Cudge that hoes in the sugarfield

of the poem (not including this line) were revised and published in The American in October 1880 as "My

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