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  • Published Writings 6


  • 1841 6
Search : of captain, my captain!
Section : Published Writings
Year : 1841

6 results

"Sun-Down Papers.—[No. 9 bis]"

  • Date: 6 July 1841
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

the balmy coolness and the voluptuousness of the scene had led me into, being thus broken in upon, my

—This individual, my enemy, and I, had differed upon a matter of opinion; a sharp word had passed, and

"Sun-Down Papers.—[No. 10]"

  • Date: 20 July 1841
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

an enormous basket, containing a towel, fishing tackle, and incalculable quantities of provisions; Captain

But my limits will not allow me to expatiate upon the events of this interesting voyage.

Death in the School-Room. A Fact.

  • Date: August 1841
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"I went that way because it is on my road home.

Please to let me go to my seat—I a'n't well." "Oh yes; that's very likely;" and Mr.

are you, my young gentleman!"

Wild Frank's Return

  • Date: November 1841
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

trifling suffusion spread over his face; "if you like, I'll put the saddle on Black Nell—she's here at my

The Child's Champion

  • Date: November 20, 1841
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"You have worked hard to-day, my son." "I've been mowing."

Feel of my hands." There were blisters on them like great lumps. Tears started in the widow's eyes.

I'd as leive lieve be in my grave as there." And the child burst into a passionate fit of weeping.

"There, my lads," he said to his companions, "there's a new recruit for you.

"I've no occasion; beside, it makes my head ache, and I have promised my mother not to drink any," was

Bervance: Or, Father and Son

  • Date: December 1841
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The circumstances of my family were easy; I received a good education, was intended by my father for

The eldest was my favorite.

I kept a box of my own, and frequently attended, often giving my family permission also to be present

My blood curdled as I saw there an image of the form of my son—my cruelly treated Luke—but oh, how ghastly

I clapped my hands to my ears, to keep out the appalling sounds that seemed to freeze my very blood.

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