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  • Published Writings 90


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Search : of captain, my captain!
Section : Published Writings
Format : periodical

90 results


  • Date: 15 March 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I would offer, as an illustration of my meaning, that, in times of peace, a slightly greater ratio of


  • Date: 16 August 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

If in his barouche, I can see from my window he does not alight, but sits in the vehicle, and Mr.

"Shining Shores," also called "My Days are Swiftly Gliding By," was written by David Nelson in 1835,

My days are swiftly gliding by, and I a Pilgrim stranger, Would not detain them as I fly, those hours

We'll gird our loins my brethren dear, our distant home discerning.

The sounds and scene altogether had made an indelible impression on my memory.

Annotations Text:

.; "Shining Shores," also called "My Days are Swiftly Gliding By," was written by David Nelson in 1835


  • Date: 4 October 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

We are soon to see a thing accomplished here which I have often exercised my mind about, namely, the

Not at all, to my eye.

many respects of our constructive nation and age, and even so poetical, that I have even balanced in my

When a train comes to a bad spot in the road this Captain reins in his horse and stands there till they

I find this everywhere, and very pleasing to my sight.


  • Date: 26 February 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Upon a few of these hospitals I have been almost daily calling as a missionary, on my own account, for

On recurring to my note-book, I am puzzled which cases to select to illustrate the average of these young


  • Date: 27 December 1864
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

To my knowledge it is understood by Col. M ULFORD , Major John E.

In my opinion the Secretary has taken and obstinately held a position of cold-blooded policy, (that is

B UTLER , in my opinion, has also incorporated in the question of exchange a needless amount of personal

In my opinion, the anguish and death of these ten to fifteen thousand American young men, with all the


  • Date: 6 March 1865
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I found he wanted to go part of the road in my direction, so we walked on together.

My boy was with the former, stepping along with the rest. There were several other boys no older.

were all of pleasant, even handsome physiognomy; no refinement, nor blanched with intellect, but as my


  • Date: 11 December 1864
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Began my visits (Dec. 21, 1862,) among the camp hospitals in Army of the Potomac, under Gen.

, but space forbids my transcribing them.

He said: "It is my chief reliance." He talked of death, and said he did not fear it.

my life and occupation more than I can tell.

Independent Missionary, in my own style, and not as agent of any commission.


  • Date: 12 March 1865
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

ball for Lincoln's Second Inauguration was held in the Patent Office on March 6, 1865. ) and write my

the music will sound and the dancers' feet presently tread—what a different scene they presented to my

But I forego that reception, and finish off with something I have on my mind about no more uncommon topic


  • Date: 16 March 1865
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Captain George W.

Captain Whitman, leaving the Rappahannock with his regiment in February, 1863, now went round with them

many, that a shell, whose explosion had killed two of his company and seriously hurt a third, struck Captain

Petersburg (Virginia, June 9 and June 15–18, 1864) were Confederate victories. and down the Weldon road, Captain

Annotations Text:

.; Captain George W.


  • Date: 5 August 1865
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Last fall, our readers may remember, Major Whitman (then Captain) was spoken of by us as at that time

Promoted to Captain. February, 1863.—Left Falmouth with regiment. April, May, etc.

We allude to Captain Daniel E.

District of our city, a brave officer, who fell mortally wounded in May, 1864, in the Wilderness; Captain


  • Date: 19 January 1865
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Whitman, Captain George Washington Whitman, Walt Whitman's younger brother by ten years, served in the

December, 1862, was commissioned as Captain; all these steps for conduct in the field.

Annotations Text:

.; Captain George Washington Whitman, Walt Whitman's younger brother by ten years, served in the New


  • Date: 19 March 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

They have taken up my principal time and labor for some months past.

I always carry some, cut up in small plugs, in my pocket.

I thought I would include in my letter a few cases of soldiers, especially interesting, out of my note-book

, but I find my story has already been spun out to sufficient length.

Nor do I find it ended by my doing some good to the sick and dying soldiers.


  • Date: 24 January 1874
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

From the first I found it necessary to systematize my doings, and, among other things, always kept little

note-books for impromptu jottings in pencil to refresh my memory of names and circumstances and what

But before entering on my personal memoranda of the war, I have one or two thoughts to ventilate before


It reads: 'I cannot survive the loss of the liberties of my country.'") THE EVE OF A LONG WAR.


  • Date: 05 January 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

give even a mere resume of the movements, service, fights, marches, sufferings of the 51st since, as my

He likes his position of Captain of Company G, in which rank he started from Palace Garden; and the men

Captain George Washington Whitman was Walt Whitman's younger brother by ten years and was wounded in

A letter from his Captain says: Five of our color guard had either been killed or disabled, when Byram

Annotations Text:

.; Captain George Washington Whitman was Walt Whitman's younger brother by ten years and was wounded


  • Date: 21 February 1874
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman


Looking from any eminence and studying the topography in my rambles, I use them as landmarks.

I have already distributed quite a large amount of money, put in my hands for that purpose by benevolent

I regularly carry a haversack with me, and my coat has two of the biggest kind of pockets. [ To be Continued


  • Date: 7 March 1874
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Here is another characteristic scene of the dark and bloody year 1863, from notes of my visit to Armory

(I think I see my friends smiling at this confession, but I was never more in earnest in my life.)


I can say that in my ministerings I comprehended all and slighted none.

It has given me my plainest and most fervent views of the true ensemble and extent of the States.


  • Date: 4 January 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I sometimes found the man a corpse in the morning by whose side I laid my self down at night.

In spite of my efforts he would sometimes rise, and then I had to close in with him, trip up his heels

By one of these thrusts, more spiteful and violent than common, I had a narrow escape of my life.

No English physician, or any one from the city, ever to my knowledge came near us.

My constitution was less muscular and plethoric, and I escaped the fever longer than any of the thirteen


  • Date: 8 March 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

A Fire Company was formed, consisting of seven members, for one year; namely, Henry Stanton, captain;

number of firemen was increased to eleven, and the following were elected members: Stephen Baldwin, Captain


  • Date: 15 March 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

John Titus, The John Titus mentioned here is probably the same John Titus who served as a captain in

Annotations Text:

.; The John Titus mentioned here is probably the same John Titus who served as a captain in the militia


  • Date: 25 October 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Even to my unscientific eyes there were innumerable wonders and beauties all along the shore, and edges


  • Date: 1 November 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I shall remember that dinner to my dying day. We pulled up stakes, and put for home.

and ghost stories, and sang country ditties; but the night and the scene mellowed all, and it came to my

I made my bed in the furled sail, watching the stars as they twinkled, and falling asleep so.

right; but as for me, I fancied I felt the mercury dwindling down, down, down into the very calves of my


  • Date: 11 October 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

But to the account of my adventures (for it is now necessary to drop the editorial "we,") last fall,

hook again with "fiddlers," while the fish floundered at a great rate around my feet.

word, accoutred as I was, I plunged—the fish—into an old tin kettle, and gave them, with sixpence and my

the wharf with a boat-hook, and offering his shoulder for me to step on—though, as he was about half my

divided the water—to lie on my back and gaze by the half-hour at the passing clouds overhead—merely


  • Date: 9 January 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

In 1644 Captain John Underhill led forces against a group of American Indians, killing about 120.

Annotations Text:

.”; In 1644 Captain John Underhill led forces against a group of American Indians, killing about 120.


  • Date: 16 March 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

But my sketch must close for this week, or rather, be suspended, to give in another article, in the next


  • Date: 22 March 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I am under obligations to them both, for their courtesy during my visits, and for professional explanations

P. with gentle but firm hand, holding a pair of nippers, seemed to me larger than the end joint of my

yellow blue handkerchief around her head, and such an expression on her face, that I at once made up my


  • Date: 29 March 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

In a former part of my account, Dr. Wright Post's name was mentioned.

To be plain at once, and say my say about this, I do not think there is a public edifice in America—school

Broadway Hospital, the heating and ventilation are by steam; and I have to acknowledge that during my

I can count on my fingers, on one hand, all the good people who have bequeathed to the institution; and

For my part, as I stand in the presence of these fine and eloquent faces, I acknowledge without demur


  • Date: 12 April 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Wishing to make my parting bow to this worthy old establishment, by bringing things up to date, I took

The ward devoted to these cases was only sparsely filled at the time of my visit of last Wednesday.

One Sunday night, in a ward in the South Building, I spent one of the most agreeable evenings of my life

I see evidences of her having been there, almost always, on my visits.

At the time of my visit on Wednesday, there were several soldiers brought in from the 105th New York


  • Date: 3 May 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My first personal knowledge of the Bowery Theatre was about twenty-seven or eight years ago, when I was

All these are among my hobbledehoy dramatic reminiscences.

At first, I remember, I used to go with other boys, my pals; but I afterward preferred to go alone, I

was so absorbed in the performance, and disliked any one to distract my attention.

From what I have gleaned of old stage-frequenters, here and abroad, I have made up my mind that in a


  • Date: 14 August 1851
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

So with wool-hat crushed in my hand behind me, for the sundown breezes felt good, there on old "Clover

I took my time, and expanded to the glory spread over heaven and earth.

It seemed as if all that the eye could bear, were unequal to the fierce voracity of my soul for intense

His feelings were not returned. with all her blandishments, never touched my heart in the least.

I write as I feel; and I feel that there are not a few who will pronounce a Yes to my own confessions


  • Date: 5 June 1861
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

William told his young visitor "I took one bag on each shoulder, one in each hand, and one in my teeth

"Greenport, L. I. June 28th"

  • Date: 28 June 1851
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Indeed, had there been a little hurrahing, we might (my companion and I,) have fancied ourselves some

Lighting his pipe very deliberately, he proceeded to catechise me as to my name, birth-place, and lineage—where

I was from last, where I was staying, what my occupation was, and so on.

He volunteered the information that he was a Universalist in his religious belief, and asked my opinion

now pretty far advanced, Aunt Rebby wended on her way towards the east; and the old man, with I and my

"Greenport, L. I., June 25. a machine readablewith transcription"

  • Date: 27 June 1851
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Having neither the funds nor disposition to pass my little term of ruralizing at the fashionable baths

That is, my lodging place is at Greenport; but, in truth, I "circulate" in all directions around.

found on the coasts of Long Island between spring and late fall. however, are the most delicious, to my

Can there be any thing of the old gossip in my composition?

Bathing in this pure, clear, salt water, twice every day, is one of my best pleasures.


  • Date: 9 August 1856
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

to the oppressive factory conditions created by the capitalist factory owners that he called "The Captains

Annotations Text:

to the oppressive factory conditions created by the capitalist factory owners that he called "The Captains

"The Slave Trade"

  • Date: 2 August 1856
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

India or South American port—as far as possible with foreign hands and only American officers—the captain

One of the principals goes as supercargo, unless the captain be a principal.

of this account of the illegal slave trade is strengthened by first-hand accounts such as that of Captain

Captain Delano stated in the "Maryland Colonization Journal" that he "was to take these things to Gardiner's

successful, having landed her cargo somewhere on the coast of Cuba, she is usually burned or sunk, and captain

Annotations Text:

of this account of the illegal slave trade is strengthened by first-hand accounts such as that of Captain

Captain Delano stated in the "Maryland Colonization Journal" that he "was to take these things to Gardiner's

"Number I"

  • Date: 14 October 1849
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I am convinced of one thing, (I must say my say out,) that even cleaning and salting fish for a few hours

I've no idea of losing my dog by a darned shirk!"

On the same occasion there was the prettiest of marine exhibitions—prettier, to my eyes, than any New

in, and throwing out of those lines, and the rapid depositing of fish in the boats, which seemed, to my

My friends on sea-bass intent (they were waiting for a particular wind, or something to complete their

"Number III"

  • Date: 28 October 1849
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I know from the frequent bent of my own feelings, that yearning for the freshness and quiet of the country—that

published as a two-volume book in the United States in 1848, entitled The History of Rinaldo Rinaldini, Captain

Yes, Messrs. of the city: I have found no precept more strongly taught, by my rambles among this often

An old woman, the mistress of the place, bustled about, and regaled my repast with many words: her husband

nine children lived home—they had no servants—that they were rich—and that they seized ravenously on my

Annotations Text:

published as a two-volume book in the United States in 1848, entitled The History of Rinaldo Rinaldini, Captain


  • Date: 21 October 1849
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"My soul ascends Above the Stars."

My poor handkerchief, when I pulled it from my pocket the next morning, was what the wolverines might

I had done it in the agonies between my laughter and attempted decorum.

The captain gets his sixteenth or twentieth "lay," and one or two others share equally well; but the

"Number IV"

  • Date: 4 November 1849
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

For my own part, I have more than once chosen the latter alternative.

In my next letter, I shall take the reader 'way to the jumping off place of the island. P AUMANOK .

"Number V"

  • Date: 11 November 1849
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Many old sportsmen, who used to put up at Captain Dodd's, there, will feel surprised to see the familiar

In my former notes on the grave yards of east Long Island, I find it omitted the following inscription

aged 80 years Here sleeps te Body tombed in its Dust Till Christ shall Come & raise it with the Just My

Soul ascended to te Trone of God Where with sweet Jesus now I make Aboad Then hasten after Me my dearest

Also, at his feet Lie the remains of his youngest son JONATHAN HORTON The first captain of Cavalry in

"Number VI"

  • Date: 18 November 1849
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

AN ADVENTURE ON HEMPSTEAD PLAINS, YEARS AGO One of my old friends for the last fifteen years has made

of these occasions, some ten years since, that he met with a little adventure wherewith he has, in my

My friend aforesaid had gone out to shoot on the Plains (stopping awhile on his way farther east) one

My friend was indeed tired, and thankfully accepted the honest fellow's offer.

My friend, be it known, is the most modest of men—and now what the deuce to do, was the question.

"Letter X"

  • Date: 23 December 1849
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My old friends, Mr.

"Numbver VII"

  • Date: 25 November 1849
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman


It has grown into my very soul.

"Letter IX"

  • Date: 16 December 1849
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

men and their maneuvers that I was now gazing An invalid-looking man came slowly up the hill while my

The man, at my request, showed me one of the globules which he was in the habit of taking daily.

I shall remember that dinner to my dying day. We pulled up stakes, and put for home.

I made my bed in the furled sail, watching the stars as they twinkled, and falling asleep so.

An indescribable serenity pervaded my mind—a delicious abnegation of the ties of the body.

"Letter XI"

  • Date: 6 January 1850
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I am but in the beginning of life, and my heart has not lost its sympathy with the cheerful and bright

"Sun-Down Papers.—[No. 2]"

  • Date: 14 March 1840
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My two acquaintances were both born and bred in the city; they both were sent to good schools; both had

And yet no man can differ more from my friend H OM than does my friend T OM .

My friend H OM is, at the same time, very much of a gentleman in his manners.

Now all that my friend H OM is not , my friend Tom B EPRIM is .

When I meet H OM in the street, he always grasps my hand, and salutes me by my first name.

"Sun-Down Papers.—[No. 3]"

  • Date: 28 March 1840
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Venice : "SHYLOCK: 'Signior Antonio, many a time and oft / In the Rialto you have rated me / About my

moneys and my usances: / Still have I borne it with a patient shrug, / For sufferance is the badge of

Annotations Text:

of Venice: "SHYLOCK: 'Signior Antonio, many a time and oft / In the Rialto you have rated me / About my

moneys and my usances: / Still have I borne it with a patient shrug, / For sufferance is the badge of

"Sun-Down Papers.—[No. 1]"

  • Date: 29 February 1840
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

—A dusky mist spread itself before my eyes.

I wandered far, far away from my then and there existence.

scenes long since past, and faces that may never more greet my view.

—I saw every particular tree, and hill, and field, my old haunts.

—This is what I dread: for I have not enjoyed my young time.

"Sun-Down Papers.—[No. 4]"

  • Date: 11 April 1840
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

These are exceptions to the correctness of my assertions with regard to the evil effects of tobacco;

"Sun-Down Papers.—[No. 7]"

  • Date: 29 September 1840
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

account of a wondrous and important discovery, a treatise upon which would fill up the principal part of my

Some years ago, when my judgement was in the bud, I thought riches were very desirable things.

But I have altered my mind. Light has flowed in upon me. I am not quite so green as I was.

"Sun-Down Papers.—[No. 8]"

  • Date: 20 October 1840
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Compare to, "I loafe and invite my soul,/ I lean and loafe at my ease . . . . observing a spear of summer

eagerly scanned to discover the object of my labours.

, and brighter, and more precious than earthly jewels; but in vain, for it eluded my sight.

which had been showered upon my mind. * * * * * * * The agitation of my thoughts, however, broke my slumbers

I slowly wended my way homeward, my soul improved in knowledge, and determined to treasure during life

Annotations Text:

.; Compare to, "I loafe and invite my soul,/ I lean and loafe at my ease . . . . observing a spear of

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