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  • Published Writings 11


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Search : of captain, my captain!
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11 results

Introduction to Walt Whitman, Poemas, by Álvaro Armando Vasseur

  • Creator(s): Matt Cohen | Rachel Price

[Oh captain! My captain!] O Captain! My Captain! Allá á lo lejos... [Far off...]

, turning sweetly towards me, You half-opened my shirt, plunging your tongue inside my chest unto my

dog and my gun by my side.

We came alongside at once, the ships' yards entangled, the cannons touched, My captain took part in the

I let forth a laugh as I hear the voice of my captain answer loudly: No! We do not lower it!

Whitman in the German-Speaking Countries

  • Creator(s): Walter Grünzweig

For today, my work is done. It is growing dusky.

, Or rude in my home in Dakota's woods, my diet meat, my drink from the spring, Or withdrawn to muse

"My lovers suffocate me . . . thick in the pores of my skin."

I sit, my gaze directed to my world map. I sing the ocean, the mother of the earth.

This is what my taste tastes. . . .

Whitman in Russia

  • Creator(s): Stephen Stepanchev

Where Whitman had written "my Mississippi" or "prairies in Illinois" or "my prairies on the Missouri,

All my free time was devoted to memorizing the self-tutor as if this were my sole salvation.

I had broken completely with my family.

I opened at random and read: My ties and ballasts leave me, my elbows rest in sea-gaps, I skirt sierras

, my palms cover continents, I am afoot with my vision . . .

Whitman in Brazil

  • Creator(s): Maria Clara Bonetti Paro

so, Poet-Prophet Beside your song, Rising to join it, a new chant: —the chant of the anxious soul of my

He had not heard Whitman's advice in "Song of Myself" that "he most honors my style who learns under

In Lincoln Whitman incarnated his concept of the "redeemer" of the Americans, of the "captain," of the

"Leaving it to you to prove and define": "Poets to Come" and Whitman's German Translators

  • Creator(s): Walter Grünzweig | Vanessa Steinroetter

exist") wofür ich da bin ("what I am there for") die Frage nach meiner Bestimmung ("the question of my

destiny") wer ich sei ("who I am/may be") was ich tauge ("what I am good for" | "what my worth is")

Italian Translations of "Poets to Come"

  • Creator(s): Marina Camboni

Antonio Troiano, O capitano mio capitano (Crocetti 1990), betrays the influence had on this volume ("O Captain

My Captain!"

Polish Translations of "Poets to Come"

  • Creator(s): Marta Skwara

I know it is attainable because I experienced brief moments when it almost created itself under my pen

Other Polish responses to Whitman's "Poets to Come" besides translations In my research into Polish readings

Translating "Poets to Come": An Introduction

  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed

As he once told Edward Carpenter: "There is something in my nature furtive like an old hen!

Introduction to the 1855 Leaves of Grass Variorum

  • Creator(s): Nicole Gray

said in an 1888 conversation about the first edition that "I set up some of it myself: some call it my

tread scares the wood-drake and wood-duck on my distant and daylong ramble" ( [1855], 20).

good will, Not asking the sky to come down to my goodwill, Scattering it freely forever.— Scattering

in a penciled revision into the single line "Me going in for my chances, spending for vast returns,"

Good-Bye My Fancy: 2D Annex to Leaves of Grass. Philadelphia: David McKay, 1891. .

The 1855 Leaves of Grass: A Bibliography of Copies


Bliss Perry, with my kindest regards—Ellen M. Calder. June 24, 1906."

Brown"; in pen (probably Mitchell's hand), "Given to my son Langdon March 1887". Dr.

Emory Holloway / My dear Mr.

Holloway, / You ask for some history of my 'Leaves of Grass' and I find myself rather vague as to my

My father-in-law, Thomas [illeg.]

Documents Related to the 1855 Leaves of Grass: Binding Records

  • Creator(s): Nicole Gray

They are not in condition to be able to let their accounts lay uncollected without embarrassment, and my

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