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  • Whitman's Life 10


  • 1892 10
Search : of captain, my captain!
Section : Whitman's Life
Year : 1892

10 results

Walt Whitman's Dying Hours

  • Date: 13 February 1892
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

Remember me to all my old friends in New York."

My theory has been to equip, equip, equip, from every quarter, my own power, possibility—through science

But my mind is animated by other ideas.

My parents' folks mostly farmers and sailors—on my father's side of English—on my mother (Van Velsor's

—This year lost, by death, my dear, dear mother—and, just before, my sister Martha—(the two best and

Walt Whitman in Boston

  • Date: August 1892
  • Creator(s): Sylvester Baxter

first met Whitman, beginning a friendship that will always form one of the pleasantest memories of my

The task in question, however, would naturally have fallen to my colleague and intimate friend, Frederic

before, I believe—he dropped in upon Guernsey at the Herald and introduced himself with the words: "My

Making known my errand, he greeted me cordially.

"In the moral, emotional, heroic, and human growths (the main of a race in my opinion), something of

Walt Whitman

  • Date: May 1892
  • Creator(s): William H. Garrison

My first meeting with Walt Whitman occurred when I was a boy and had occasion to ask for a certain residence

I did not know who or what he was, but on his answering my question I was so struck with the quality

My first visit to him occurred some years later, in the little house on Mickle Street which has been

matter of punctuation, and it was a source of annoyance to find the title of his latest book, "Good Bye My

Reminiscences of Whitman

  • Date: 11 April 1892
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

The moment Garfield came over to our side of the car, I gave him my seat and I took his.

Recent Interviews with the Poet: By New York Journalists

  • Date: 1892
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

"You want to know in a word, then, the sum total of my life philosophy as I have tried to live it and

as I have tried to put it in my books.

It is only the closest student who would find it in my works.

The sum total of my view of life has always been to humbly accept and thank God for whatever inspiration

Men and Memories

  • Date: 16 January 1892
  • Creator(s): John Russell Young

Among my earliest indiscretions was Walt Whitman.

fame and no peril to my immortal soul, not to speak of my standing in society?

Whitman was the author of the lines, and my quoting them among my earliest indiscretions.

No one can read "My Captain" or "Pioneers" without seeing that there was capacity for music in the man

Bend down and touch lightly with my lips the white face in the coffin.

An Impression of Walt Whitman

  • Date: June 1892
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

The table was set for four, and I, the youngest of the party and the sole representative of my sex, had

for my vis-à-vis the ample figure of the poet clad in light gray linen, his wide rolling shirt collar

I mentioned a name that had more than once come to my mind, as we talked,—Victor Hugo.

My companion assented. I added with enthusiasm, "It has been a perfectly happy day to me, Mr.

My last glimpse of him was in his house at Camden, when he was recovering from a long illness.

The Good Grey Poet

  • Date: 4 February 1892
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

my Captain!

O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies Fallen cold and dead. O Captain!

my Captain!

My Captain does not answer; his lips are pale and still; My Father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse

But I, with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.

Excerpt from A Yorkshireman's Trip to the United States and Canada, Chapter VI: Philadelphia and Germantown

  • Date: 1892
  • Creator(s): William Smith, F.S.A.S.

I made a call upon Captain Green, one of the vice-presidents of the Penn.

calmly: As at thy portals also, death, Entering thy sovereign, dim, illimitable grounds, To memories of my

Autobiographia: Starting Newspapers (Another Account)

  • Date: 1892
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

STARTING NEWSPAPERS (ANOTHER ACCOUNT) Reminiscences —( From the "Camden Courier." )—As I sat taking my

As I cross'd leisurely for an hour in the pleasant night-scene, my young friend's words brought up quite

How it made my heart double-beat to see my piece on the pretty white paper, in nice type.

My first real venture was the "Long Islander," in my own beautiful town of Huntington, in 1839.

I enjoy'd my journey and Louisiana life much.

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