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  • Whitman's Life 7


  • 1917 7
Search : of captain, my captain!
Section : Whitman's Life
Year : 1917

7 results

Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890–1891: General Impressions of Whitman's Personality

  • Date: 1917
  • Creator(s): John Johnston | James William Wallace

Knowing this I never attempted, during my talks with him, to question him or draw him out on any subject

And of course this applies also to my own account of him, as I saw him from day to day at a period very

manner he may have shown in earlier life, or on other occasions, no defects were ever observable in my

Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890–1891: Visit to West Hills

  • Date: 1917
  • Creator(s): John Johnston

They seemed charged with a new beauty and a new meaning addressed to my individual soul; and long did

—After a refreshing night's sleep I awoke to the singing of some sweet little songsters at my window.

I did not see him again for about forty years, when one day he came to my house and asked me,— " 'Do

I believe, too, that I once existed before I lived in my present form, and that I shall again live as

an individual after I have changed my present form."

Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890–1891: Visit to Brooklyn

  • Date: 1917
  • Creator(s): John Johnston

Rome—where I received a most cordial welcome from him and his good wife, who is my wife's cousin.

Rome, like myself, is an Annan man—and much did I enjoy that talk about my dear old home, three thousand

I asked him to write his name in my book, and I found it to be John Y.

river, the ceaseless movement, and the brilliant and varied panorama of "Manhattan from the Bay." ¹ On my

Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890–1891: In Camden

  • Date: 1917
  • Creator(s): John Johnston

"Yes," he said, "my right arm is my best, but I have a good deal of power in my left."

knee with my bag of crackers.

is the result of my sitting.

And now I'll write my name on it, and I want you to take it to Wallace with my love."

Davis to my wife.

Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890–1891: In Camden, October 15th to 24th

  • Date: 1917
  • Creator(s): John Johnston | J. W. Wallace

"But my 'Good-Bye' is probably my last bit of writing.

"Some of my friends feel—Dr.

My poems do not discuss special themes and are short. And, anyhow, that is my method.

He enquired what my programme was for the rest of my jaunt.

W. read it, and then said to me: "My best friends are women. They are my best friends.

Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890–1891: Walt Whitman's Friends in Lancashire

  • Date: 1917
  • Creator(s): J. W. Wallace

In the year 1885 I lived with my father in a small house in Eagle Street, Bolton.

My father was a millwright in the employ of a large engineering firm in the town, and I—then thirty-one

My mother had died in January of that year, and certain experiences of mine in connection with that event

Soon after her death a few of my intimate friends, who often came singly to see me, began to make a special

the last five or six lines as from my living pulse."

Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890–1891: First Visit to Camden, September 8th and 9th

  • Date: 1917
  • Creator(s): J. W. Wallace

Bucke to my left.

My friends do not realize my condition. They persist in imagining that I am like them."

: "Have you noticed my chair?

"My supper is my main meal now.

Speaking of my trip he said that he had felt uneasy in consequence of my late arrival.

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