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  • Commentary / Reviews 3
Search : of captain, my captain!
Sub Section : Commentary / Reviews
Work title : As I Lay With My Head In Your Lap Camerado

3 results

Review of Leaves of Grass (1867)

  • Date: 10 November 1866
  • Creator(s): Burroughs, John

My days I sing, and lands Lands —with interstice I knew of hapless war War .

Inflating my throat—you, divine average!

Open mouth of my , uttering gladness, Eyes of my , seeing perfection, Natural life of me, faithfully

Walt Whitman And His 'Drum Taps'

  • Date: 1 December 1866
  • Creator(s): Burroughs, John

breaking out of the Rebellion, he was drawn to the seat of war to look after a wounded brother —a captain

earth, she cried—I charge you, lose not my sons!

’d; And you trees, down in your roots, to bequeath to all future trees, My dead absorb—my young men’s

coffin that slowly passes, I give you my sprig of lilac.

And what shall my perfume be, for the grave of him I love?

Annotations Text:

"Song of my Cid" is an epic poem of the mid-12th century and the earliest surviving work of Spanish literature

Walt Whitman's Poems

  • Date: December 1875
  • Creator(s): Bayne, Peter

I beat and pound for the dead; I blow through my embouchures my loudest and gayest for them.

white locks at the runaway sun; I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it in lacy jags."

It seems to me more than all the print I have read in my life."

"Between my knees my forehead was,— My lips, drawn in, said not, Alas!

My hair was over in the grass, My naked ears heard the day pass."

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