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  • Commentary / Reviews 3
Search : of captain, my captain!
Sub Section : Commentary / Reviews
Work title : With Antecedents

3 results

The Poetry of the Period

  • Date: October 1869
  • Creator(s): Austin, Alfred

"In the year 80 of the States, My tongue, every atom of my blood, formed from this soil, this air, Born

"Take my leaves, America! take them South, and take them North! Surround them, East and West!

"O my comrade! O you and me at last, and us two only! O to level occupations and the sexes!

If he worships any particular thing, he says it shall be "some of the spread of my own body."

One long passage commences thus: "O my body!

American Poets Part 2

  • Date: July 1874
  • Creator(s): Earle, John Charles

Who would suspect that this comic strain proceeded from the author of "My Study Window," and "Among my

I'm dull at prayers: I could not keep awake Counting my beads.

I love my fellow-men: the worst I know I would do good to.

Now, when storms of fate o'ercast Darkly my Present and my Past, Let my Future radiant shine With sweet

The "In Memoriam" explains itself,—the "Watchman of Ephriam," as Osee says, "was with my God."

Walt Whitman's Complete Volume

  • Date: 12 August 1882
  • Creator(s): Gordon, T. Francis

forced to remember another son of the people, Robert Burns, and one involuntarily thinks of his "O, my

Love's like a red, red rose, That's newly sprung in June: O my Love's like a melodie That's sweetly

(I loved a certain person ardently and my love was unreturned, Yet out of my love have I written these

hardly patience with a man who could offer the public lines like these, and call them poetry: "I tucked my

trowser-ends into my boots, and went and had a good time."

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