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  • Commentary / Selected Criticism 354


Search : William White
Sub Section : Commentary / Selected Criticism

354 results

Human Voice

  • Creator(s): Griffin, Larry D.

Harned, Frank Harris, William Dean Howells, Bertha Johnson, Dr.

John Johnston, Stuart Merrill, William Douglas O'Connor, Sarah Payson (Fanny Fern), Helen Price, Horace

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. 3 vols. New York: New York UP, 1980.____.

"Song at Sunset" (1860)

  • Creator(s): Butler, Frederick J.

Blodgett, Sculley Bradley, Arthur Golden, and William White. Vol. 2.

"We Two, How Long We were Fool'd" (1860)

  • Creator(s): Klawitter, George

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. 3 vols. New York: New York UP, 1980.____.

Leaves of Grass, 1867 edition

  • Creator(s): Mancuso, Luke

at least four different formats of the text were available from the presses of a New York printer, William

debuted the poem "Tears," which offers the enigmatic spectacle of a weeping "muffled" figure on a "white

Given the color coding ("white"/"shade") and the undeniable remorse expressed in this text, "Tears" may

sentimental "lump" suddenly takes on a threatening persona and wills a strong storm to engulf the "white

With the legislative tide turning toward "equal protection" for black and white citizens, Whitman coerced

'Song of the Exposition' [1871]

  • Creator(s): Wolfe, Karen

Kennedy, William Sloane. The Fight of a Book for the World. West Yarmouth, Mass.: Stonecroft, 1926. 

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. Vol. 3. New York: New York UP, 1980. ____.


  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed

New York: William Morrow, 1990.Dressman, Michael Rowan.

William White. 3 vols. New York: New York UP, 1978.____.

Long Islander

  • Creator(s): Karbiener, Karen

White, William. Walt Whitman's Journalism: A Bibliography. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1969. 

"Thou Orb Aloft Full-Dazzling" (1881)

  • Creator(s): Baldwin, David B.

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. Vol. 3. New York: New York UP, 1980._____.

Architects and Architecture

  • Creator(s): Roche, John F.

Similarly, in the prose pieces of Specimen Days, architecture serves to evoke a theme or mood, as in "The White

These include Edward Carpenter, William Sloane Kennedy, John Burroughs, and Elbert Hubbard.

Near Philadelphia, architect William L.

Sullivan worked for the important Philadelphia architect Frank Furness, who was the son of the Reverend William

British Romantic Poets

  • Creator(s): French, R.W.

well acquainted with the works of the British Romantic poets, none of them mattered to him as did William

probably dating from 1855 or 1856 specifically rebuked Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and William

Swinburne's William Blake, which concluded with a laudatory comparison of Whitman and Blake.

Gertrude Traubel and William White. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1982; Vol. 7. Ed.

Davis, Mary Oakes (1837 or 1838–1908)

  • Creator(s): Singley, Carol J.

Gertrude Traubel and William White. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1982; Vol. 7. Ed.

Taylor, Bayard (1825–1878)

  • Creator(s): Gould, Mitch

Gertrude Traubel and William White. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1982. Whitman, Walt.

"Mystic Trumpeter, The" (1872)

  • Creator(s): Butler, Frederick J.

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. Vol. 3. New York: New York UP, 1980.

Drum-Taps (1865)

  • Creator(s): Eiselein, Gregory

Drum-Taps also garnered the attention of Henry James and William Dean Howells, both of whom disparaged

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. 3 vols. New York: New York UP, 1980.____.

Whitman: The Correspondence, Volume VII

  • Date: 2004
  • Creator(s): Genoways, Ted

Facsimile: WWR 24 (1978), [134], 133, ed. by William White. 1.

Facsimile: WWR 25 (1979), [182], ed. by William White. 1.

Facsimile: WWR 26 (1980), [40], with notes by William White. 1.

Facsimile: WWR 28 (1982), 108, ed. by William White; and Miller, 33.

White, WW’s February 28. From William H. Millis, Jr. landlady. Berg.

Wilmot Proviso (1846)

  • Creator(s): Klammer, Martin

solidly within the Free Soil camp and showed his thinking on slavery to be motivated more by concern for white

echo the Free-Soilers' position that the introduction of slavery would discourage, if not prohibit, white

prototypical Free-Soiler and characterizes the debate as an issue not of race but of class between white

While Whitman's position follows the Free-Soilers' emphasis on white labor and not on moral opposition

to slavery, Whitman, unlike many Free-Soilers, does not evoke white anxiety about associating with blacks

Leaves of Grass, 1876, Author's Edition

  • Creator(s): Keuling-Stout, Frances E.

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. 3 vols. New York: New York UP, 1980.____.

"This Compost" (1856)

  • Creator(s): Aspiz, Harold

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. Vol. 1. New York: New York UP, 1980.____.

Whitman Noir: Black America & the Good Gray Poet

  • Date: 2014
  • Creator(s): Wilson, Ivy G.

readers: a white fireman would have taken the white faces for granted and not have specified their color

The white that is—to whites—normally transparent becomes instead opaque, worth mentioning, there.

to a white speaker the whiteness of white faces is invisible or transparent.

to black and black to white.

William White (New York: New York University Press, 1978), 3:748. 22.

Russia and Other Slavic Countries, Whitman in

  • Creator(s): Bidney, Martin

In White Summer Lightnings (1908) Balmont sees the earth-titan Whitman as "building" utopian future cities

Swinburne's perspective (but that is a puzzle: in William Blake Swinburne praises Whitman highly).

Roger Asselineau and William White. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1972. 24–26.Bidney, Martin.


  • Creator(s): Panish, Jon

Grass reflects his humanitarian belief in the value of all human beings, his deepest sympathy was with white

important issue for Whitman because of its potentially devastating effect on the status and livelihood of white

Leaves of Grass is compared to the work of Whitman's poetic contemporaries—John Greenleaf Whittier, William

Canada, Whitman's Visit to

  • Creator(s): Mason-Browne, N.J.

William White. 3 vols. New York: New York UP, 1978.____. Specimen Days.

"Thou Mother with Thy Equal Brood" (1872)

  • Creator(s): Losey, Jay

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. Vol. 3. New York: New York UP, 1980.

"Wound-Dresser, The" (1865)

  • Creator(s): Aspiz, Harold

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. Vol. 2. New York: New York UP, 1980.____.

Collectors and Collections, Whitman

  • Creator(s): Birney, Alice L.

Harned group in the Library of Congress.Some other early collectors of note were John Burroughs, William

Buxton Forman, William F. Gable, Alfred F.

Goldsmith, William Sloane Kennedy, Thomas Bird Mosher, John Quinn, William M. Rossetti, Edmund C.

New York, N.Y.; Charles Patterson Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.; William

William White edited the commonplace books and some notebooks in Walt Whitman: Daybooks and Notebooks

Whitman, Walter, Sr. [1789–1855]

  • Creator(s): Rietz, John

William White. 3 vols. New York: New York UP, 1978.____.

London, Ontario, Canada

  • Creator(s): Cederstrom, Lorelei

William White. 3 vols. New York: New York UP, 1978.____. Specimen Days. Vol. 1 of Prose Works 1892.

"Sands at Seventy" (First Annex) (1888)

  • Creator(s): Stauffer, Donald Barlow

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. Vol. 3. New York: New York UP, 1980.

"Fireman's Dream, The" (1844)

  • Creator(s): McGuire, Patrick

The Native American was found by white pioneers when he was about seven.

opposite that of Natty Bumppo of The Pioneers (1823) and other James Fenimore Cooper novels, who is a white

The first sentences of chapter 2 establish the duality: "I am white by education and an Indian by birth

Women as a Theme in Whitman's Writing

  • Creator(s): Ceniza, Sherry

accomplishing his aims, to portray "democratic" women, as well as men, black, brown, and red as well as white

create an expansive space for women, something very much against the grain of his times, at least for white

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. 3 vols. New York: New York UP, 1980.____.

Reading, Whitman's

  • Creator(s): French, R.W.

what he called his "daily food" (4:67).Of other British writers, three were particularly important: William

for whom Whitman had high regard, despite his differences from them in style and substance, were William

Gertrude Traubel and William White. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1982; Vol. 7. Ed.

Free Soil Party

  • Creator(s): Klammer, Martin

abolitionists, who opposed slavery on moral grounds, most Free-Soilers opposed slavery because they felt that white

In representing antislavery as an issue of self-interest to whites, free-soilism made antislavery for

made clear that Whitman opposed the extension of slavery because he cared about the opportunities for white

Leaves of Grass, 1881–82 edition

  • Creator(s): Renner, Dennis K.

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. Introduction.

Bradley, Blodgett, Golden, and White. Vol. 1. New York: New York UP, 1980. xv–xxv.

Labor and Laboring Classes

  • Creator(s): Thomas, M. Wynn

These included Tom Paine, Fanny Wright, Robert Dale Owen, and William Leggett, all of whom preached that

(in Franklin Evans [1842]) the prevailing antislavery and anti-black philosophy characteristic of white

Here again, his main concern was to protect the status and the rights of white labor (male and female

Slavery and Abolitionism

  • Creator(s): Klammer, Martin

texts show that he had little tolerance for abolitionism, that he thought blacks were inferior to whites

Congress, that the introduction of slavery into new territories would discourage, if not prohibit, whites

from migrating to those areas because white labor could not economically compete with slave labor and

"Examine these limbs, red, black or white," ("I Sing," section 7) Whitman says of the auctioned slave

all without its redeeming points" (I Sit 88), and in 1858 he editorializes: "Who believes that the Whites

Jordan, June (1936–2002)

  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed

Here Jordan offers a revisionist reading of Whitman as "the one white father who shares the systematic

disadvantages of his heterogeneous offspring" (Passion x), the one "white father" who could effectively

American Primer, An (1904)

  • Creator(s): Dressman, Michael R.

William White. New York: New York UP, 1978. 728–757. American Primer, An (1904)

Camden, New Jersey

  • Creator(s): Sill, Geoffrey M.

Several ferry companies provided transit across the river, William Cooper's giving the town its early

Gertrude Traubel and William White. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1982; Vol. 7. Ed.

Debating Manliness: Thomas Wentworth Higginson, William Sloane Kennedy, and the Question of Whitman

  • Date: 2001
  • Creator(s): Nelson, Robert K. | Price, Kenneth M.

In 1908 William Sloane Kennedy, one of Walt Whitman's close allies in his final years, wrote a barbed

Surprisingly, the restriction also emboldened Kennedy to attack Whitman's "dearest friends"—William Douglas

Since it was precisely the mailing of that was later banned, at least one of Whitman's friends, William

William White (New York: New York Univ. Press, 1978), 2, 289 n. 1515; and Correspondence , ed.

Debating Manliness: Thomas Wentworth Higginson, William Sloane Kennedy, and the Question of Whitman

"March in the Ranks Hard-Prest, and the Road Unknown, A" (1865)

  • Creator(s): Schwiebert, John E.

Whitman bases the poem on an account of the battle of White Oaks Church as related to him by a soldier

bloody forms of dead and wounded soldiers, among them a lad "shot in the abdomen" and with a face "white

Traubel, Horace L. [1858–1919]

  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed

Gertrude Traubel and William White. Carbondale: U of Southern Illinois P, 1982; Vol. 7. Ed.

Walling, William English. Whitman and Traubel. 1916. New York: Haskell House, 1969. 

Heroes and Heroines

  • Creator(s): Baldwin, David B.

Gertrude Traubel and William White. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1982.Whitman, Walt.

Spain and Spanish America, Whitman in

  • Creator(s): Zapata-Whelan, Carol M.

Roger Asselineau and William White. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1972. 41–42.Nolan, James.

Roger Asselineau and William White. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1972. 9–12.

“This Mighty Convlusion”: Whitman and Melville Write the Civil War

  • Date: 2019
  • Creator(s): Sten, Christopher | Hoffman, Tyler

Whitman, letter to William D.

See William H.

William Wordsworth,The Complete Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, 394; also at Melville’s Marginalia

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. 3 vols. New York: New York University Press, 1980. ———.

Williams, Megan Rowley.

"Excelsior" (1856)

  • Creator(s): Rechel-White, Julie A.

Julie A.Rechel-White"Excelsior" (1856)"Excelsior" (1856)"Excelsior" appeared in the 1856 Leaves as "Poem

Texas Studies in Literature and Language 17 (1976): 777–785.Rechel-White, Julie A.

Leaves of Grass, 1860 edition

  • Creator(s): Eiselein, Gregory

The book's pages were well-printed in a clear ten-point type on heavy white paper and elaborately decorated

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. 3 vols. New York: New York UP, 1980. ____.

"Song of the Open Road" (1856)

  • Creator(s): Aspiz, Harold

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. 3 vols. New York: New York UP, 1980.____.

Political Views

  • Creator(s): Hirschhorn, Bernard

An ardent Jacksonian Democrat, he revered William Leggett, the party's foremost spokesman in the 1830s

Democratic presidential candidate Martin Van Buren, who lost his re-election bid to Whig candidate William

the Wilmot Proviso, but he remained loyal.Whitman defended the rights and dignity of free male labor—white

of the people of the Union, Whitman was not prepared to accept the political and social equality of white

Native Americans [Indians]

  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed

formative years of Leaves of Grass, many of the most explosive Western battles between natives and whites

Tale of the Western Frontier," about a deformed and treacherous amalgam of the worst qualities of the white

the far west, the bride was a red girl" (section 10)—a scene that has been read as suggestive of the white

the present day, have propensities, monstrous and treacherous, that make them unfit to be left in white


  • Creator(s): Dressman, Michael R.

that Whitman was the coauthor or ghostwriter of Rambles Among Words, published in 1859 by his friend William

William White. 3 vols. New York: New York UP, 1978.____.

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